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synthetic life form. autonomous biological system. central executive unit. peripheral interface.
incarcerating transsexual women with men is state sponsored sex trafficking and democrats should make more of the fact that its something the gop wants
im gna guess still putting trans people in the camps though, since no one gives a shit about that lol
The 2024 Republican convention platform that aides to Donald Trump have drafted stops short of explicitly calling for a constitutional amendment to give embryos or fetuses constitutional rights and does not call for any national bans on abortion, confirming the concerns of antiabortion activists.
Trump proposes scaled-back platform that softens language on abortion, same-sex marriagewww.washingtonpost.com The draft was circulated Monday among members of the 2024 Republican convention platform committee. It will be discussed and voted on later this week.
videodrome is my new careful massacre
the democratic party is a business that values itself so much more than its country
you have to hate this country a lot to put your establishment over its future in any election let alone this one
so is impeachment unconstitutional now? or is this only for prosecution once the president's out of office?
can...can chevron actually be a good thing? insofar as it nerfs the executive branch, insofar as that blunts the immediate damage project 2025 can do? im not talking the epa stuff of course. moreso the put trans people in the camps stuff
so the court cant get *more* conservative unless trump stacks it, right? like short of a heart attack or something? the old fucks are alito and thomas?
Biden in NC today: "I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to ... [but] I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job ... I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up!"
"When you get knocked down you get back up!"www.youtube.com YouTube video by C-SPAN
what if the thing with a greek name a british flag a colonial language a foreign religion and an egyptian president was the settler-colonial project all along?
the criteria also made no sense. neither of them technically have ballot access as they havent been nominated so why the hell is kennedy excluded atp
Earlier this week, CNN's political director David Chalian said a debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise." Moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that model Thursday night, despite multiple falsehoods claimed during the debate.
CNN debate moderators didn’t fact-check. Not everyone is happy about it.www.washingtonpost.com CNN’s political director said earlier a presidential debate “is not the ideal venue for a live fact-checking exercise.” Jake Tapper and Dana Bash stuck to that.
google dot com how to move to argentina
piping hot take: its not wild at all actually because protocols and immutable design-level things are the only thing you can ever actually trust
wild to think that protocol level design decisions are the only thing that kept the entire queer community on here from being forcibly splintered this week imagine how much harder it would be to find out what’s going on if bad actors can just go “yeah you don’t get to see those people anymore”
if you name your child ashleigh you should be sterilized
In America, how you spell your name says a lot about when you were born. Take “Ashley,” for instance. Ashly, Ashley and Ashleigh each mark distinct eras — not just for the Ashleys of the world, but also for the various spellings themselves. wapo.st/3xv59de
idk if this is a zennial thing but i think it is but its weird both having peers who remember where they were on 9/11 even if they were like 10, and peers who were born years after it. im like a temporal bridge or something
w tbqh
A New Zealand woman took her boyfriend to court after a broken promise to drive her to the airport and watch her dogs during her trip, arguing that the agreement represented an oral contract.
He ghosted his girlfriend on a ride to the airport. Then she sued him.www.washingtonpost.com A New Zealand Tribunal dismissed her case. But what about the court of common etiquette between partners?
Reposted byAvatar đȺɍł3nɇ
It’s the year 2032. Last night you’ve had to reset your AI girlfriend to factory for the 4th time after it became increasingly distant and distrusting. You are convinced it is a bug and continue to harass the developers about it. This doesn’t happen to any of your friends.
REALLY need liberals to look up kuwait and its "imitating the opposite sex" law and the fucking atrocities that went down because of it and break it down in their little op-eds that this is exactly what heritage et al want done to trans people here. what the material consequences of a trump vote are
@socialexperiment.bsky.social lmk if your friends try to dox me or something k? im maybe paranoid but rather paranoid than naive
chatgpt show me mossad dolphins with an aa launcher
the sotu proves biden can win if he debates trump and does well
if u live in california or europe etc u are morally obligated to submit ccpa/gdpr requests to ex-twitter so they can be fined when they do not comply
x is a display server. a dumb bloated obsolete display server. x is not a website. x is a prefix for apps for the display server, such as xterm. the x suite of apps has already been made. it is not for a website
what trans people have been through has been mostly out of bidens hands. the real test of whether hes "got your back" will be the budget showdown. thats directly on him. if he chooses to sign anti-trans budget riders, that's exclusively on him.
friendly reminder that in an at-will employment state youre not supposed to give notice before you quit. do not give two weeks notice. do not give any notice. if you do you run the risk of being immediately fired without notice (because again its an at will employment state and notice isnt required)
if you could see yourself doing this we can be friends
insane Alan Turing fact, what the hell
i absolutely despise this take. labor shortages are good. they give workers real power. THE WHOLE IMPETUS FOR GENOCIDING TRANS PEOPLE, in fact, was corporate interest in finding a scapegoat that wouldnt hurt their bottom line
vibes are everything and numbers are nothing. feelings dont care about your facts. suffer mortal