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Finnish gamer, RPGer, science enthusiast, SF and fantasy fan, and general nerd.
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"the instinct that Democrats have too often is that if we just reason with the other side, and if we just talk about our policies and we explain why we're right and they're wrong, that quote-unquote 'logic' will win out -- but that's not how the world works anymore"
Democrats' new line of attack on Republicans? 'You’re being weird' Democrats have recently begun adopting a fresh new line of attack on Republicans: quite simply, calling them weird.
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Artist Winsor McCay died on this day, so here's some of his artwork:
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Congratulations! It's a La-Z-Boy!
My very barely online boyfriend just sent me this so the news has reached the normies
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I honestly think he's holding on for this. He said he was working to eradicate it before he died, and they've been SO CLOSE the past few years. I'd hold on too.
Just saw the Carter Center’s newsletter sharing that not a single Guinea worm has been found in 2024 and remembered that good things really are possible
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Seamine Hockey is by far the most popular sport on Planet Shark. There are innumerable local teams that constantly compete for bragging rights. Equipment for Seamine Hockey is not well regulated and many interesting pieces of tech can be seen.
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THE MULE (1985) Acrylic on Canvas 32" x 20" Once again there was a clear choice for the central subject. Outwardly a buffoon, the Mule is the greatest concentration of power in a single individual in the Galaxy, the one variable Hari Seldon overlooked in his massive plan. 1/3
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What's the strategy again (or just the observation)? "The best way to drive out the to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn." (...Luther. And Thomas More:) "That prowde spirit... cannot endure to be mock'd." 😏
If you’re hand-wringing over Dems making JD Vance jokes now, then you’re REALLY not gonna like what’ll happen during violent resistance to the Trumpian reign of terror that ol’ Couchfucker is tirelessly trying to bring about. It will be nicer for everyone if we bring them down with humor now.
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I know I've reshared this one at least once before, but it's honestly mind-blowing how much of life on Earth is actually dependent on radioisotopes. "Atomic critters", mostly archaea, bacteria and fungus, defy what we think we know about what makes life possible.
Let's talk about radiotrophic fungi. I want to start with the most surprising fact about them: they don't just SURVIVE in high radiation environments, they grow at *FOUR TIMES* the rate they would in background radiation. Our best guess is they're "eating" radiation.
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VERY cool news: JWST has spotted a gas giant exoplanet orbiting a star just 12 light-years away! And by "spotted" I mean we have *actual images* of it. [Note: pic below is artwork] 🔭🧪
JWST finds its first old, cold giant exoplanet! The nearby Jupiter-like world orbits Epsilon Indi A, a star less than 12 light-years from us
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Lots of people are saying it
Unconfirmed sources telling me AP pulled the article because JD Vance did, in fact, fuck a couch.
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In case you've never seen a bitcoin mine. Each of those buildings is packed with fan-cooled processors, generating purely digital wealth at the expense of the Texas electrical grid and all the residents and wildlife in earshot. I hope the civil lawsuits are legendary and financially devastating.
A public health crisis ensued when a Bitcoin mine moved into a small Texas town. In today's episode, we visit Granbury, where the mine's cooling fans are so loud they rattle windows, and residents have migraines and hearing loss. Listen here 🎧:
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NYT in 1938: “Jews bring out the worst in Herr Hitler”
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A rare joke that pretty much only works in written form: How to tell the difference between a plumber and a chemist? Ask them to pronounce 'unionized'. (Not my joke. You can tell because it's funny.)
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more and more people are saying that Trump is too old to serve, has lost a step, seems in decline Media should cover this
Trump, on Truth Social: “I don’t know who said it, or where it came from, perhaps the Radical Left, but I never discussed, or thought of, Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink for Secretary of the Treasury.” It came from an interview Trump gave to Bloomberg just last week.
Trump Denies He’d Consider Jamie Dimon for Donald Trump said he has not discussed Jamie Dimon as a potential Treasury secretary if he is reelected, despite saying himself he would consider the JPMorgan Chase CEO for the position, The Hill repo...
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Truly nothing chills the blood like a lion looking right at you. 📷
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Oh hey happy birthday Chandra X-ray telescope!
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Vance grew up in a 4 bedroom suburban home in Ohio, in a family that earned a little over $175k/ year in today's dollars and paid for his golf lessons. He eventually overcame this tragic upbringing to attend Yale Law School. Neither poor, rural, nor Appalachian. Just a grifter.
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Tolkien wrote: “War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”
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Pssst: Kamala Harris now has all the delegates she needs to be the official Democratic candidate for president:
2024 AP Democratic Delegate Survey | AP
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PALADIN: Basic dental, medical and a pension plan can be yours! Just surrender and we’ll tie your hands up and make it look like you resisted. BANDIT: Okay, but not the face.
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People: memorize 807 kinds of Pokemon. Also people: take suggestion they learn terms for more than two genders as a personal affront.
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Alt: A venn diagram, with circles labelled "eligible to be president," "would be a good president," "unusually vocal about love of Venn diagrams." At the intersection of all three, "Kamala Harris." At the intersection of 1 and 3, "Me."
President Venn Diagram
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I engage far more here than on Threads but to be fair it was over there that someone tweeted, "J.D. Vance is the Cybertruck of running mates" and that's perfection.
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How a bear shall be armed pt 2/2 Now you too can draw bears.
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And while I can see people are actually scared and frightened when they're sea lioning me about elections or global warming, they don't see that what they're really saying is "I need a hug and a glass of cold water and a human being to help me breathe" because what they DID was be an asshole.