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Cognitive psychologist | Wittenberg University
Cog(neuro)(science), gender, race, music, 🇵🇱
Direct Wittenberg Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad and Witt in Poland with political theorist Heather Wright. He/him
Reposted byAvatar manes
Reposted byAvatar manes
White America is a joke. They said, ok, we're done caring about Black people now after they went to protests for the first time & did some performative ally shit after George Floyd for a month. Cops got massively funded to increase killings of Black folks & they peaced out.
Reposted byAvatar manes
Her biography is literally the size of this post, and it only exists in English and Igbo. Her talk page shows that she's barely accounted for by Wikimedia Women & Africa relevant projects.
There's something profoundly unwise here, true, & it ain't the scenario you describe. Biden is largely capable - especially given his stutter & pretty normal age-related cognitive decline -to do what you claim he can't, his apparatus is more than capable & the alternative is total norm destruction.
The “Biden stays” scenario is profoundly unwise because the idea that Biden “had a bad night” is delusional. Obama showed it’s possible to get wrong-footed at a debate and recover. Biden is largely incapable of clear extemporaneous speaking in general.
A Methodical Approach To The Democratic Succession In a void of important information, half-baked ideas are flourishing. This is a complicated decision, and only Joe Biden can make it.
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"14 months of intense conflict have left Sudan facing the world’s WORST hunger and displacement crisis... In the last few weeks alone, it's estimated that more than 55K people have fled the Sinja region in southeast Sudan. Tens of thousands of people have been killed since war broke out last year. "
Perspective - Sudan facing world's worst hunger and displacement crisis, IRC country director Fourteen months of intense conflict have left Sudan facing the world’s worst hunger and displacement crisis. That's according to the International Rescue Committee's country director. Eatizaz Yousif…
Reposted byAvatar manes
“Among eight Mount Airy congregation members interviewed, none thought Biden should concede the nomination to another member of the party.
“I think it’s a little late in the game for them to start switching people out,” said Danayah Randolph, 21, of Philadelphia.”
Should Biden drop out? What his supporters said at a Philadelphia Black Church where he campaigned Here’s what supporters of President Joe Biden had to say about the increasing calls for him to end his re-election bid.
Reposted byAvatar manes
This isn't true on its own terms -- Biden has held multiple campaign events and attacked Trump -- but it's also a slight of hand where Biden trying to steer questions towards policy is evidence he wants to avoid the age question and addressing them is just more evidence that it's a concern.
Biden appears to have mostly given up on campaigning against Trump, and his campaign is focused mostly around denying the obvious about his age. That only is more evidence he's not up to what he needs to do.
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Reposted byAvatar manes
Anne Applebaum #viaX: So, in the end, both France and Britain voted against the far-right. Doesn't mean the threat is gone, but pay attention to the center, center left, green and center right voters who are still the majority in Europe, everywhere except Hungary.
Reposted byAvatar manes
He doesn’t even bother to disavow Project 2025’s aims, but the fact that they’re shying away from direct association with it demonstrates that it’s a vulnerability. If the press is looking for something new and substantive to report on, they could start with the dystopia that these folks want for us
Stephen Miller now following Trump's lead and saying he has nothing to do with Project 2025. 1. His organization is on the Project 2025 advisory board. 2. He recorded a video as part of Project 2025 training tools 3. You can see Mandate for Leadership, the Project 2025 publication in the background
Reposted byAvatar manes
A 2017 internal Veterans Affairs report shows Black veterans were more often denied benefits for PTSD than their white counterparts. The analysis crunched claims data from fiscal year 2011 through 2016. And disparate treatment started after WWI when it was still called shell shock. It continues.
Black veterans were denied VA benefits for PTSD more often than “Ever since I came back from Vietnam, I knew that I had a problem, but I didn’t know what it was," said one Black veteran.
Reposted byAvatar manes
Do the Democrats realize that by pandering they are giving the narrative more credibility? Biden is old, there is no hiding from that. But his opponent is Trump. There is nothing unique about Biden's perceived cognitive abilities that do not also apply to Trump's, and arguably, worse.
Top Democrats said to plan crisis meeting despite Biden’s vow to fight House Democratic leader reportedly schedules virtual meeting for Sunday as several members call for withdrawal
Reposted byAvatar manes
I’ve learned so much from these websites, through book recommendations, sharing of speeches, and people sharing their personal stories. This nihilistic horseshit really just shows the poster’s ignorance and the absolute arrogance of that ignorance is the reason liberals are so dangerous.
The very worst thing about social media, including this site and the Bad Site and every other site, is the illusion that by posting on it you’re accomplishing anything.
Reposted byAvatar manes
That yellow plane is a US Airforce 737 exec transport going from Rzeszow, Poland into Vilnius, Lithuania, flying right along the Belarus border. Whoever's on that thing has a strong constitution. Meanwhile the red plane is a Global Hawk drone possibly watching the S-400s in Kaliningrad
Reposted byAvatar manes
OK: Biden’s not stepping down. Like it or not, good idea or bad idea, not happening. From here on out, you can either complain about it like a loser, or help him defeat fascism. Time to decide.
Reposted byAvatar manes
An aspiring dictator & convicted felon w history of treason may win the presidency. Profoundly corrupt SCOTUS justices undermined the constitution and gave him immunity from prosecution for past & future crimes. This is all political journalists should be writing about 24/7. We’re at the precipice.
Going through an extremely stressful time here professionally. so much so that for three nights I've awakened at 3 am and been unable to go back to sleep.
Reposted byAvatar manes
I have two post secondary degrees, completed residency training and a dual UCLA fellowship in Consultation-Liaison & Trauma & was expert consultant to oncology & transplant services there & to med systems thereafter. Today I mispronounced three medication words. US political press defile themselves.
Reposted byAvatar manes
Now everyone--The Times and, sorry to say, MSNBC--is noting every missed syllable. The man has a stutter. I don't stutter but I am a mushmouth who speaks too fast and slurs words. I've had to overcome fear of public speaking. I have empathy for Biden. The press has empathy for no one (but Trump).
Reposted byAvatar manes
I guarantee you that the think tanks in the Kremlin gaming out this election have a detailed nativist battle plan ready that they think will work for America should Kamala take over as the nominee. You can even **see** it in 45's never-ending non-sequiturs in the debate on anti-immigrant rhetoric.
Reposted byAvatar manes
Update on newish journal Language Development Research: a model for how journals should be! Small, experts as editors, open practices and FREE!
Reposted byAvatar manes
For most of its history, America hasn’t been a democracy, by any meaningful definition of the term! This isn’t some It Can’t Happen Here shit, in a way, it’s already happened. It just may not have directly affected you.
Reposted byAvatar manes
At best it lasted from 1965-2000. Even then we had widespread gerrymandering, Senate malapportionment, unequal voting access, Jim Crow ex-felon voting bans, etc. 7 of 12 elections since 2000 have seen Republicans win one or more of the presidency, Senate, or House despite fewer votes than Democrats
For most of its history, America hasn’t been a democracy, by any meaningful definition of the term! This isn’t some It Can’t Happen Here shit, in a way, it’s already happened. It just may not have directly affected you.
Reposted byAvatar manes
Obviously the problem isn't the scrutiny, that's a good thing. It's the total lack of proportion between the scrutiny over his debate performance and the (total lack) of scrutiny over the fact that Trump is setting himself up to be a dictator on day one and SCOTUS just handed him the keys to do it!
Reposted byAvatar manes
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
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Reposted byAvatar manes
“In Grenada, officials said about 98 percent of the buildings on Carriacou and Petite Martinique, where 9,000 to 10,000 people live in total, had been damaged or destroyed, including Carriacou’s main health facility, the Princess Royal Hospital… “There is literally no vegetation left anywhere”
Hurricane Beryl Batters Jamaica as 2 Other Islands Lie in The powerful storm, which devastated communities in the eastern Caribbean earlier this week, was headed next to the Cayman Islands.
Reposted byAvatar manes
This is a really good summary of what the Roberts Court is doing—simultaneous elevation of president and destruction of regulation. This year and last, US public law is fundamentally shifting towards a frightening new (authoritarian) regime.
Legal Conservatives’ Long Game: Amp Up Presidential Power but Kneecap Federal Blockbuster decisions by the Supreme Court’s Republican-appointed supermajority — expanding one kind of executive branch authority while undercutting another — were no contradiction.
Reposted byAvatar manes
It has been proposed that schizophrenia patients rely more on sensory input and less on prior information. According to this view, they are less affected by visual illusions that rely on perceptual priors. But is this really true?( 1/6🧵
Reposted byAvatar manes
"many elite supporters" but no one on the record - excuse the language, but this is so fucking irresponsible. Are you an insider with relevant information? We get that you have jobs and reputations you think are important. But we're barreling towards a Trump presidency w/o institutional guardrails.
The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters.