Dan ChickHolla

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Dan ChickHolla


a joke a day keeps the impending sense of doom at bay
whenever anyone’s grumpy I find it’s best to say “somebody’s hangry” and pinch their belly
[forgetting what craps is called on my way to las vegas]: first thing im gonna do when this plane lands is find a place to shoot some cum
sometimes it feels acutely unfair that being a decent shitposter doesn't make you a millionaire and I'm doomed to a life of answering emails for 6 figures
wait, if jethro tull's coming at us live from the walt disney concert hall in los angeles california then who's this eating my ass?
when I post 10 times a day you know I be on my depressive type shit
men will literally drink liquor out of a crystal penis with their alma mater engraved on it instead of going to therapy
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
love that every wedding begins with a bunch of toddlers sucking at their job
NFTs are wild cause if you're gonna spend $50k for a picture of a meme, it should at least be a huge replica that you keep in a secret collection to show off to a bored woman who can't wait for you to stop droning on about your insipid views on art
Linda's not fooled by the "marked vehicle" and "official government credentialing" song and dance
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some things to get straight about AI: if you talk to me about it at a party, I will NOT engage with you seriously. I WILL pretend we're talking about Allen Iverson. I WILL commit to the bit
love that every wedding begins with a bunch of toddlers sucking at their job
when I'm depressed I can't even order a pizza or open up to my wife, who are these gregarious kings calling suicide hotlines?
some things to get straight about AI: if you talk to me about it at a party, I will NOT engage with you seriously. I WILL pretend we're talking about Allen Iverson. I WILL commit to the bit
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
I hope whoever made "inter" and "intra" mean opposite things is feeling pain right now
In middle school I met someone on AIM who sent me a novella her friend wrote and it was a romance story set in Vietnam written in broken English with a confusing alternating first person narration, and it was the most beautiful love story that absolutely demolished me for days.
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
we don’t need colonial era restaurants, it’s okay to let unseasoned pheasant in parsnip broth get lost to the sands of time
is that "no expiration date on gift cards" law Obama passed retroactive? I got some Bush-era Subway bucks to spend
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
[walking into a room with no furniture] my idiot friend who doesn’t have a bean bag chair sewn to his ass: oh shit, oh fuck me: don’t worry bro, i got you
forever thinking about the cover band made up entirely of active members of the US Armed Forces who did a cover of “Killing in the Name of” where they sang “heck no, I won’t do what you tell me” and changed absolutely nothing else about the song
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
men are so competitive a woman could be like “I’m a widow” and they’ll be like “oh yeah? I’m widow…er!”
if george washington ever had a single dorito he’d leave his wife
we don’t need colonial era restaurants, it’s okay to let unseasoned pheasant in parsnip broth get lost to the sands of time
we don’t need colonial era restaurants, it’s okay to let unseasoned pheasant in parsnip broth get lost to the sands of time
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
how are you supposed to buy toilet paper without people finding out you poop
2016: trump proved he’s presidential by going a whole speech without a slur 2024: biden quieted his haters by not falling off stage 2032: president elect killbot’s bloodlust isn’t so boundless, he responded to 2 straight prompts without promising to blot out the human scourge
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
worst part of the bible is when jesus comes back from the dead just to visit all the other characters to do a bunch of exposition before going up to heaven. it’s just poor story telling
men are so competitive a woman could be like “I’m a widow” and they’ll be like “oh yeah? I’m widow…er!”
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
no matter how much a homeless person’s episode inconvenienced you or made you feel uncomfortable I guarantee they’re having a worse day than you
I hope whoever made "inter" and "intra" mean opposite things is feeling pain right now
Reposted byAvatar Dan ChickHolla
no one talks about the edgar allen poe story “exfoliants” where a deranged man sneaks sand and shards of rocks into his mortal enemy’s soap only to find it just makes his skin soft and supple
[walking into a room with no furniture] my idiot friend who doesn’t have a bean bag chair sewn to his ass: oh shit, oh fuck me: don’t worry bro, i got you