
What a fucked up lifetime of being betrayed and sold out by "the adults in the room"
I'm sure every generation feels this way but goddamn if that does not capture the moment. The problems have been apparent for decades, but no, we must always stay the course and be afraid of doing too much for fear of only helping our enemies. Staying the course hasn't seemed to be hurting them.
I'm pretty sure not every generation feels this way, because we have been massively fucked over, completely fucked, absolutely thrown under the bus.
My dad shook nixon's hand in high school. He was raised repub but "recovered" as he says in college, and he is one of the most progressive people i know in his age group. he tells me often "we are witnessing history here" and "this will be written about" and "I never thought it could be this bad"
He's also had to stop watching certain shows (Maddow, lol) because he got so mad about the state of the world and this country that his chest would hurt and his doc said "maybe skip that from now on"