
What a fucked up lifetime of being betrayed and sold out by "the adults in the room"
And now I see that my lifelong extreme distrust and open loathing of authority figures was completely appropriate.
my entire lifetime we have elected profoundly unserious people for our most serious positions. this last week of SCOTUS power grabs was the climax.
While being subjected to know-nothing dipshit propagandists, pundits and otherwise, mansplaining to us that we're acktchually wrong, we have more rights than ever before but we're too ignorant and plebeian to understand what they are
any serious individual that has been accidentally elected has quit or been chased out, we are governed by people that wouldn't get past the "individual contributor" ceiling at a major corporation
glad they taught me early
Yeah my distrust of authority was cemented as a teenager thanks to... Clarence Thomas
Being a teenaged girl during the Thomas and Clinton years taught me a lot about what the expectations of me as a woman would be and I've fought it kicking and screaming ever since
But this is the fate that the "adults in the room" decided for me and all the rest of us I guess. I'm so fucking angry at everyone who told me everything was going to be fine
Remember when Joe Biden helped Clarence get confirmed?
it is the one generational thing that’s held true.
Right, I was a teenage Libertarian, and even though I didn’t have the economic facts right at the time, my anti-authority impulse was dead on. Everyone who works in Government at the federal level hates you and you should hate them back.
While being told we don't know what we're talking about, that we don't understand what's going on, that something different than what we're seeing with our own eyes is ACTUALLY going on, and basically you're wrong, they're right, no matter what is said or shown to them.
Someone responded to this "fuck you" and blocked me and I would just like to take this opportunity to say buddy, you're a complete dumbshit who doesn't understand how quotes work. I was on your side but now I hope you fuck yourself forever for making my day just a little worse
I'm sure every generation feels this way but goddamn if that does not capture the moment. The problems have been apparent for decades, but no, we must always stay the course and be afraid of doing too much for fear of only helping our enemies. Staying the course hasn't seemed to be hurting them.
I'm pretty sure not every generation feels this way, because we have been massively fucked over, completely fucked, absolutely thrown under the bus.
And I'm not just talking about the Supreme Court here, although it's related. it's climate change, pollution, the USA system, the global political system, and climate change one more time for the people in the back
I think people really don't understand the risks we're facing with climate change
As someone with long experience of warning decision-makers about extreme climate risks, I absolutely agree. Scarily, it's the well-to-do corporate types most convinced it won't hurt them. And they are so wrong
I'd say maybe 15% of us truly understand what we are facing.
No, I think this has been present in the USA all along. it's the legacy of our earliest history.... but we can get beyond that by confronting it. I'm just finding it difficult to think of ways to fight today
we just like blaming reagan as he was at the start of our political awareness. we remember the carter inauguration, the oil crisis, the 1980 election and the iranian hostage crisis. watching reagan's cronies deregulate everything and ransack wall street set us up for a lifetime of distrust.
Yeah. The USA has always been about fucking over whoever possible for the sake of ambition and the next shiny object. *stares Indigenously*
I'm almost 75, and cannot believe how my life is getting rewound, to where Nixon's "if the Prez does it, it is not illegal" is now a constitutional ruling
The main difference is that the dog-whistle has been swapped with a megaphone.
Reagan didn't 'start it all,' but he was an absolute nihilist & he turbocharged the modern version of it. He begat Gingrich, Limbaugh and the GOP marriage with the Christian right — and he launched the war on higher education & civics education. He was profoundly anti-community. May he rot in Hell.
Reagan was elected a couple weeks before my 13th birthday. (I graduated high school the same year as Marty McFly). This decade has been “the 80s, on crack, meth and steroids”. Reason failed. Liberalism failed. Punk failed. Hope failed. Love failed. I feel 17 again. Not in a good way…🤷‍♂️😶
No previous ruling class threatened global ecosystems and global damage to the Earth's carrying capacity that would last for millennia. Our current ruling class is the worst ever to exist.
Don't forget the financial collapse. Foreign policy (Iraq). Gun control... It's almost like pubic sentiments don't have any effect on policy outcomes
Kind of a big order to change the entire world. What small things can people do to start?
I'll have to get back to you on that after today. Today I'm marinating in my FEELINGS and am not constructive, apologies
Really really hate that we have to do shit with no precedent in all of human history. Like wildly different shit, completely rework a GLOBAL civilization in order to not just live free lives but goddamn REVERSE damage to the entire biosphere its insane
💯 No question. Boomers (me) faced nothing like this.
Yeah's one thing to be annoyed with your parents generation for being squares or whatever but this is just...balls
entirely, no question, balls.
Yeahhh I asked my mom if she felt this way about Reagan and she was like, at the time, we thought that was as bad as it could get!
My dad shook nixon's hand in high school. He was raised repub but "recovered" as he says in college, and he is one of the most progressive people i know in his age group. he tells me often "we are witnessing history here" and "this will be written about" and "I never thought it could be this bad"
He's also had to stop watching certain shows (Maddow, lol) because he got so mad about the state of the world and this country that his chest would hurt and his doc said "maybe skip that from now on"
Boomers definitely didn't. They're why we're having this problem, largely. It's extremely frustrating because then they make it Gen X and beyond's responsibility. We didn't ask for this shit lol.
I’m a boomer, and my generation– the white middle and lower middle class – did not feel that way. We were sold the myth of American exceptionalism and even those of us who protested in the 60s did so believing in the possibility of genuine improvements for all. Too many of us were selfish AF.