Daniel Brim

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Daniel Brim


Occasional baseball writing: dodgersdigest.com
Photos: instagram.com/daniel.brim
Personal site: dbrim.com
Bar trivia: learned that a person who regularly brings in a French bulldog actually brings in two French bulldogs who look and act identically
I had to listen to the song Levitating by Dua Lipa about 500 times for work this week and I have never had a song more hopelessly stuck in my head
My car is covered in ash and the AQI never got into even "unhealthy for sensitive people" range, I don't understand how air quality measurement works
Went outside for two minutes thinking about an evening walk and my eyes were already burning as ash was falling from the sky, and yet apple's estimate of our air quality is currently "very good"
A friend of mine has been going out with a woman for about a month and she just bought a cybertruck and my first thought is about how Seinfeld that situation is
Thank you to the coastal ridge for keeping our air breathable
Wasn’t really planning to do my longest ever bike ride (53 miles) today, but it just sort of worked out that way. Good confidence for next month’s event, which is 13 miles longer but has the same amount of elevation gain.
Unexpected weird internet moments as I use twitter to get info on the big wildfire in the mountains north of here and the hashtag is full of people being weird about the former Neverland Ranch maybe burning down
She seems pretty relieved TBH
The cat has had a pretty significant matting issue for a few months and today I finally relented and had them all shaved off. Now she has a mohawk.
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Did my best ever 30 second power on the bike today (467, up from 457). Not really a specific goal to get to 500 but would be cool I guess. More importantly, did 20 miles on an interval day and felt very good when it was over, which is a promising sign for extending distance on pure endurance days
411 miles on the bikes in June (263 road bike, 148 e-bike). Not a record for overall exercise time but a record for total miles. Good month despite the speed bumps in the last week or so.
A major point of irritation I have with my garmin watch is that every time I ride it thinks I’m getting worse, and ironically today is the only time that wasn’t the case because my heart rate wouldn’t rise because I am still recovering from being sick
The Postmates tech support bot is trying to break my spirit
Ordered a covid test kit from Postmates. Apparently rite aid was out, so the shopper decided that the most appropriate replacement was visene eye drops. Thanks I guess
Yankees doomering makes me feel better about the annoying Dodger fans in my Twitter mentions whenever I don’t care about a bad week
Seeing a Yankees fan complain about them going through "worst stretch in franchise history" because they're 3-9 the last two weeks. No other fanbase does it better
Bizarre day on the bike yesterday. Did a bike fit in the morning, changes felt super weird and uncomfortable when on the road. Then I set a massive PB for 10 mile time. Then I spent the whole evening with body aches - probably have a flu. So strange.
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we live in an age in which we have near limitless storage for data. unfortunately at this time we must erase all works of culture to make room for the infinite sea of machine slop
normal things to say when you're caught being a pedophile
I've had to block about ten transphobes on twitter today and at least half of them have had the word "patriot" in their bio
Went swimming and day drinking in the santa ynez river with some friends yesterday and I have come out of it with perhaps the worst sunburn of my adult life
I am considering doing Santa Barbara’s metric century bike ride in October but I’m concerned that this segment might literally kill me
Pleasant weekend long ride. Crossed 2000 miles on the road bike (purchased just under a year ago). Missed best 40k time by <30 seconds, had best two hour power ever. Feeling good.
Wearing a device which tracks sleep can be fun because you can see stuff like “this is when the cat got sick enough overnight that I needed to wake up and immediately give her a pill” (She’s better this morning)