
Banning *concepts* from programming - this list would literally outlaw every class I teach within the Nebraska system. I'm not just talking about courses that sound DEI-ish, but also importantly central courses like "political philosophy," "health and human rights," and "philosophy of law."
Destroying your state higher education system, one of the state's most important engines of social mobility and economic growth, to own the libs.
They want to ban thinking.
I mean the whole proposed legislation is garbage to begin with, but the highly ambiguous and potentially sprawling (almost certainly sprawling in practice) "any concept substantially related" is utterly chilling
"inclusive language" Let's all go back to "Every student should bring his own textbook", shall we?
And the best part is proponents of doing this will be absolutely certain their views are "common sense."
being gifted, i interpret this as banning comments in programming languages used within the nebraska state systems, from payroll to to email.
When I saw the world programming, I thought about the same thing. Time to throw out acknowledging bias in machine learning and statistics, along with mentioning ethics in programming.
Disparate Impact? Bye-bye Constitutional Law!
Yes, they know that, and that's the point
It's going to be like Footloose but in reverse, with the preacher as provost.
Wow, sorry you have to deal with this bullcocky. Makes me wonder why a student would choose to go to college in a red state. May it not pass!
oh I'm not dealing with it (I mean, except as a citizen in this country whose education system is being systematically dismantled). I profess in PA :)
This law would ban AP Statistics.
Evil needs stupid to flourish.... Of course teachers could read aloud the list of banned concepts as a "public service" so everyone knows!
Whenever I see something like this I laugh because of the sheer stupidity of such an initiative.
The trumpst fascists are readying themselves to bring down the hammer.