
To the extent that this matters at all, I suspect it will be biden's enormous advertising budget taking choice clips of trump sounding insane and putting them on every swing state TV for the next five months
Trump said in front of a a camera that everyon agrees with him that roe being gone is good. and all these nervous nellies think anything else will matter
“Everyone wanted to end roe so I did it” doesn’t matter how much you want to win a debate by saying that confidently you’re gonna look like shit when that clip plays on loop.
Because it still requires people to vote for Biden. And I’m the newest Nervous Nelly because I don’t think people will.
I see we are in the denial stage.
I hope you're right, and this is just the usual leftist doom and grooming.
God, I hope you're right. I'm more skeptical than I was a few hours ago but... I hope you're right.