
A Burger King customer in Ohio was caught on camera pointing a gun at a drive-thru employee who was trying to give him a discount “I was like, ‘I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t know why you want to pay more money,’”
I hear stories like this and it makes me wonder if that leaded gas we use in airplanes is doing more damage than we think.
We already know tetraethyl lead (the specific chemical from leaded gas) damages the dopamine b pathway in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is what feeds the impulse control system, so it is certainly possible. Another option is the damage caused by Covid infection.
People were stupid and racist before gasoline.
But didn't pull a gun on a worker for giving them a better price than the board. If anything, they would demand the better price even when unwarranted.
How do you know something like that has never happened before? Or something just as boneheaded?
I certainly can't know, nor could I prove such as you actually can't prove a negative. But the question was an open one, so I answered that yes, it was possible.