Darrel Plant

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Darrel Plant


I was never enough of a been to be a has-been. @[email protected]
ex-@[email protected]
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because i have to wishcast to stay sane now, the funniest possible twist is Trump dying before he names a running mate and a brokered Republican convention
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Just a funny comic for pals to read!!
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Seems risky to openly admit "OK, we were lying to the country for years when we insisted Biden was sharp as a tack, no hard feelings, here's someone else we definitely wouldn't lie to you about." Would help if he just said "Look, I'm not quitting" to end the Discourse though.
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I've read countless legal briefs from racial segregationists and literal white supremacists but I don't I've never seen anything quite as sneeringly stupid as this.
The complaint is here, but it's one of the grossest things I've read in a while so don't read before eating. I suppose I'm lucky that, as a non-TT person, no one is going to misrepresent me as "unqualified Asian gay man" — yet. www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2q5ws...
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Their MeToo stuff was full of this, reporting that like somebody had two dates that were rude and uncomfortable, said something that an underling interpreted as hostile, and oh yeah sexually assaulted someone else
There's lots of reporting in the story that is serious and disturbing if true—what's the point of throwing in an anecdote that you acknowledge is bogus? The paper has some bizarre institutional belief that throwing weak stuff on top of strong stuff make the story stronger.
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Anyway back on the particular topic it sure seems like the part about how Biden got way worse all of a sudden is what I would probably scrape together if I were a team of four New York Times White House reporters trying to explain how we all got entirely blindsided by the debate
Their MeToo stuff was full of this, reporting that like somebody had two dates that were rude and uncomfortable, said something that an underling interpreted as hostile, and oh yeah sexually assaulted someone else
Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisomewww.nytimes.com People who have spent time with President Biden over the last few months or so said the lapses appear to have grown more frequent, more pronounced and, after Thursday’s debate, more worrisome.
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we really need liberal professors to start doing a better job of brainwashing their conservative students
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The fact that no electeds last time were punished for trying to steal the election predictably lead to out-in-the-open maneuvering to do the same thing in 2024. It's bad
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Official act. Immune.
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does anyone at the nyt recall what trump's daily schedules looked like
Read the Times story about Biden. They say he seems more visibly exhausted and physically frail than years ago, confuses names more. No real accusation of mental problems. Includes an anecdote of Biden yelling at Netanyahu. Sources speculate his schedule is too demanding relative to his age.
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"I'm not trapped in here with you. You're all trapped in here with ME"
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Biden should not have promised not to use his new powers. He should instead have closed his remarks by saying, "The Supreme Court made one mistake. They let me live."
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on the one hand, SCOTUS has ignored precedent, taken away rights, consolidated their own power and declared Donald Trump a special boy who can do all the crime he wants, but on the other hand, we must respect our sacred norms www.rollingstone.com/politics/pol...
Biden Campaign Brushes Off Idea of Reforming the Supreme Courtwww.rollingstone.com Biden surrogates brushed off questions about reining in the court, while emphasizing the gravity of a second Trump term.
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Maggie noticed but incredibly said “it was his way of maintaining his composure”. Truly insane.
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didn't read the NYT piece yet but did any NYT reporters see Biden repeatedly falling asleep in public or was that only Trump
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the times continues its vigorous campaign to end democracy. literally the same playbook they ran in 2016 with the emails. we're so fucked. i'm existentially depressed.
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Is there a name for the law by which gallows humor gets less funny in direct proportion to how close the actual gallows are?
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cuomo needs to move to new jersey or something so we can have my dream Hochul-Cuomo ticket
The brief 2020 Draft Cuomo movement that was seemingly based entirely on the quality of the Powerpoints during his COVID press conferences was deeply fuckin weird
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Remember Cuomosexuals? Now you do
The brief 2020 Draft Cuomo movement that was seemingly based entirely on the quality of the Powerpoints during his COVID press conferences was deeply fuckin weird
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one candidate is old, the other is slightly younger and a raging fascist psychopath, in this bangor diner, voters don’t know who to choose
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formerly 'left-wing' UK philosopher and transphobe Nina Power has been exposed in her own text messages as a literal Nazi (occult variety) x.com/Luke_Turner/...
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This piece from 2017 is well worth revisiting. Esp for those inclined to think Trump 1.0 wasn’t THAT dramatically authoritarian and anti-democratic.
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I would love to know the identity of these tenured law professors who claim Northwestern won't hire them because they're white guys, and that it hires undeserving people of color instead Like, perhaps Northwestern won't hire you because you're odious, bigoted, and not as smart as you think you are?
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My plan to destroy the Tesla fleet:
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this would absolutely work on Teslas, because they don't have radar or lidar to bounce off the picture of the tunnel in order to confirm that it is in fact extremely solid
My plan to destroy the Tesla fleet: