
A Burger King customer in Ohio was caught on camera pointing a gun at a drive-thru employee who was trying to give him a discount “I was like, ‘I don’t know what to tell you, I don’t know why you want to pay more money,’”
I hear stories like this and it makes me wonder if that leaded gas we use in airplanes is doing more damage than we think.
We already know tetraethyl lead (the specific chemical from leaded gas) damages the dopamine b pathway in the right hemisphere of the brain, which is what feeds the impulse control system, so it is certainly possible. Another option is the damage caused by Covid infection.
For those curious, a thorough, if admittedly clinical, page covering the dangers of the chemical can be found here:
There’s also the psychological angle that owning a gun engenders the urge to use it on any threats … maybe even an unsolicited coupon
Checkov's....weapon, would you call it?
if your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail
When all you have is a gun, every problem looks like a home invasion.
This holds true with any gun owner I’ve known
You really want to punch someone but wait... you own a gun. <- so many shootings
Yep. Brass tacks: Boomers lost about 6 IQ points each from exposure to leaded gas.
Not just them. I'm late Gen X and I have no doubt that sucking fumes from leaded gasoline as a kid did some damage to us, too.
I'm 1974, and between indoor smoking, leaded gas, playing with mercury, putting plastics in the microwave, drinking hose water and eating snow, it's a wonder we don't all have cancer.
Yeah, no kidding. I remember my uncle buying a car once specifically because it could use regular gas, and not "that unleaded shit"
I honestly think a daily drip of Alex Jones is more likely, but that’s just a hunch…
We are discussing various types of brain damage, so that would count
I would love to see a study on what constant negative reinforcement of bigotry does to cognitive brain functions. I imagine it’s like doing meth several times a day.
People were stupid and racist before gasoline.
But didn't pull a gun on a worker for giving them a better price than the board. If anything, they would demand the better price even when unwarranted.
How do you know something like that has never happened before? Or something just as boneheaded?
I certainly can't know, nor could I prove such as you actually can't prove a negative. But the question was an open one, so I answered that yes, it was possible.
i fear that there's nothing physically wrong with people like that and they are just raised this way. i knew a racist family growing up, and the father was always drilling into the kids that "we have the right to shoot anyone who trespasses on our property" and stuff like that.
Got to love the people who "know their constitutional rights", while being entirely wrong about their constitutional rights.
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Don't forget the leaded ammunition that's in the guns they insist on carrying everywhere. Shit gets in the air every time you shoot and even more-so when cleaning them.
It's definitely the covid brain damage based on incidents and occurrence.
It’s only piston engine planes, not jets.
As an aside, I don't understand why all states don't mandate both back and front license plates. In the photo in the article, a front license plate would be clearly visible and the police would know who is person is, but because Ohio doesn't require require them, he'll probably not be charged.
Ohio did until a year or so so.
Yep, over objections of Law enforcement. 1) most states around its didn't use them and 2) aesthetics and not having to drill into the font bumper and shit.
The aesthetics thing is so dumb I assure you, car owner, your vehicle is ugly for other reasons
Car makers sell front license plate mounts that look like a natural part of the car and put minimal holes in the bumper. Instead of using them, people screw the plate directly to the bumper and complain that it's ugly. 🤷🏼‍♂️
A lot of cars still have them because we are too lazy to take them off.
Mine fell off last summer and when I went to get a new one, the DMV employee was "we can sell one to you, but you know you don't have to have one in front" which was how I found out.
Was this why? I thought it was because of that Black man in Columbus who was shot in a police stop and the only reason they pulled him over was because he didn't have a front license plate. I remember the law definitely getting some bad press back then for that reason.
NJ got rid of them too for similarly petty reasons. I'm sure we'll see the consequences in statistics soon.
When I worked in fast food I also encountered people angry I was trying to save them money, but the worst that ever happened was they demanded a supervisor (who then charged them full price and reminded me that we aren't these peoples heroes, so let them do this to themselves if they want to).
the customer was a racist shit sack who just couldn't stand a black person drawing attention to his poor math skills
I'm sure it was horrific for Vernon but also imagine being in the other car at the window with that dumb shit holding a gun over your roof, like seriously wtf could be that bad at a BK on Easter morning- oh they tried to give you a discount? The gall
just another example of an armed society being a polite society.
Not to mention, such a responsible gun owner!
That Heinlein passage was really about how guns are one way to weed the idiots out of society, which I hope this guy soon learns.
Well if the current GOP lunatic nominee doesn't unseat Sherrod Brown they have their next candidate ready to go.
Ad copy He eats at Burger King, like a real American
As the Framers intended. 🙄