
Using the computer to make art: 1. Email an artist 2. Offer them a fair wage 3. Voila
I send a discord DM because I'm furry trash.
“But I’m not talented enough to spend eight hours drawing a picture” Then spend four hours pulling weeds and pay an artist with it
1. Open CSP 2. Draw it yourself 3. There is no step 3
okay but also ascii art
Graphic design is your passion?
Slow down pal. What if I feel I’m entitled?
I know this is supposed to be a joke about AI BS, but, as someone who came to bsky to find artists for projects and hire them, MAN I wish the process were *actually* that easy. We really need better ways of finding artists of particular artstyles, who do commissions, AND whose commissions are open.
Sounds like an app needs to be in the works 🤔
An app that streamlines the process of commissioners finding suitable artists *who do commissions* AND *whose commissions are CURRENTLY OPEN* would be a fucking godsend and a colossal time-saver. Having to do "the lengthiest part" repeatedly makes this incredibly tedious.
Search artists whose art fits the project (the lengthiest part) Find One They don't do commissions, Repeat Find One who does commissions Commissions currently closed, Follow, then start over Find One who has open commissions They're not into the project, start over Time passes. It's been a year.
It really is that easy though. Sure you have to search a little bit, but there's thousands of artists foaming at the mouth for work on social media right now. Just send them a message and you're good to go! 💖
Search artists whose art fits the project (the lengthiest part) Find One They don't do commissions, Repeat Find One who does commissions Commissions currently closed, Follow, then start over Find One who has open commissions They're not into the project, start over Time passes. It's been a year.
Now I'm curious what you're looking for, but notably, my commissions aren't open 😅
It's just a nerdy personal project. I'm having art done of each character from a TTRPG crew. The idea is to hire artists I think would fit each character, then once there's an example of all of them, hand those to an artist for a group-doodle of the crew together. Been ~1 year and only ~1/3 done.
Seems like something there should be forums for. I've taken over a year on a commission before but that's oil for you lol
It can be really difficult if you have something very specific in mind, but the same goes for AI. If you've got a particular style and a list of criteria you're looking for, you could spend hours coming up with different prompts and stuff trying to get *the* right image.
But you can also mitigate that time by knowing where to look and who to ask. Connections make it easy. Forums and art-centric sites are great places to start. You can also ask some artists if they know a guy. Vgen is probably the best bet, since it's for commission-seeking artists.
And get a far superior product in return!!
Me if I win the lottery. 1: Email artist. 2: Offer them 5x their going rate. 3: Ask them about their struggles and see if I can help while they make the art for me. Voila.
Are you saying you can "trick" an artist into working for you by simply paying them what they deserve? That's incredible. Perfect evil plan 👹
Then there's "shriek at the artist's estimate, go find someone who says they'll do it for half the price, look at the result, beg the first artist to save you by doing the whole job on the half budget you've got left.
Dikatakan benar tapi juga salah
Wait...there's another way than programming a robot to steal it?
alternatively: 1. Open Youtube for art tutorials 2. Open Krita/Clip Studio/ 3. Study and practice regularly
That was before big capital took over Napster and The Pirate Bay, and for-purpose-adjusted them.🤷‍♂️ Bad side-effect tho: Young rebels hormonally prone to petty crime still cling to that same arena mistaking it for for peer-to-peer purpose, now claiming to be the peers of multi billionaire investors.🤦‍♂️
Wait. What do you mean "big capital took over The Pirate Bay?"
In a sense: sense: The pirate sector By deregulation 🤷‍♂️
I suppose that makes sense. Even Mapster became Pandora after a decade or so.
But what if I like…want it for free? I can offer a metric shit ton of exposure in the sense of you’ll have the approval of my extremely awesome opinions.
It is also perfectly acceptable to -Scan and enhance your own art using software. -Make your own original art using a tablet. -Use a computer to sell your own art online. You're welcome.
Doesn't need to be more complicated than that.
I spend this month, for the first time in my life, someting about 100 bucks on AI services. And the results for pro-customers are stunning. I can not only generate about 500 creations, I can also Improve them. For $100 . That is not fair for the artists.
It is (could be) fair. Artists could choose to use AI as a starting point and modify results to match customer needs. Like other technology, it’s a tool, not a replacement for creativity and skill. Once we learn to treat it as part of a process rather than the entire process we’ll be better off.
I mean, this is how I get a commission every year for HeroesCon.
so much easier than AI, and you actually get exactly what you asked for!! and then some!!
What, I should just let them have MY money? It was MY IDEA to sell art in the first place. I'm the one taking the risk, here. (I'm being sarcastic, please don't hit me.)
Hi, what's a fair wage? Obviously it depends, but like, where do I look to figure out ballparks for different kinds of work?
Can confirm! The results are spectacular
1. Commissioned a piece of art 2. Paid a buncha money 3. Waited about 6-8 weeks (ONLY 6-8 WEEKS IMAGINE) 4. Received art and promptly died at how beautiful it is This art will last several lifetimes. I will see it every day. WORTH EVERY PENNY.
It’s simple, it’s easy, and it can be as cheap or as expensive as you want!!! My cheapest is 5$ for a headshot sketch! :D
What a concept! Who could have imagined it could be so easy
Use a computer to make music: 1. Email the musician 2. Offer them a fair wage 3. Viola