Tee Jay Kaye

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Tee Jay Kaye


Pop Psychologist, Industrial Daydreamer, Misanthropic Utopian.
Ron Howard better sell his 3rd mansion and donate the proceeds to Biden/Harris. That’s the LEAST he could do.
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Lol Trump’s biggest vulnerability of the entire campaign is literally peaking and Democrats are wasting the moment fighting their own president. Sincerely, what are you guys doing
Weird case in point I put 'biden age' and 'project 2025' into Google Trends which isn't a perfect comparison but the result I got was completely unexpected
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Noticing bad things years ago is left-wing. Noticing them when it's too late to do anything about is centrist. Ignoring them is right-wing.
George Clooney can kindly shut the fuck up all the way from his palazzo in fucking Italy. Yeesh.
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Time for an economics lesson.
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
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We no longer live in America 1.0; this is a new America, one more closely resembling the old Confederacy, where wealthy families and giant companies make the rules, enforce the rules, and punish those who irritate or try to obstruct them. hartmannreport.com/p/the-new-am...
The New America 2.0 is Not a Democracy; it’s an Oligarchyhartmannreport.com The only remedy at this late stage in this 50+ yearlong campaign to remake America is a massive revolt this fall at the ballot box, turning Congress over to Democrats while holding the White House.
When they go low... We stomp on their motherfuckin' necks.
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Gorsuch is sitting in Merrick Garland’s seat. Barrett’s confirmation was rushed through two weeks before an election. Kavanaugh is a credibly accused rapist with magically disappearing debts. Alito signals he’s not impartial. Thomas takes bribes. This Supreme Court is illegitimate.
After we get Biden re-elected in November, the first thing he better do in January is EXPANDING THE GODDAM SUPREME COURT.
Jeezus. So many of the pundit class really need to take 48 hours away from social media. They sound fucking insane right now.
Look, folks. Biden could be laying comatose in a hospital bed in the Oval Office come this November... and I will still gladly vote for him.
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Nancy By Ernie Bushmiller June 28,1961
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Biden in NC today: "I know I'm not a young man. I don't walk as easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to ... [but] I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job ... I know like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up!"
"When you get knocked down you get back up!"www.youtube.com YouTube video by C-SPAN
I ain't watching that shit. Nope.
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If you've ever thought Reader's Digest contributed nothing to society, let me tell you that two of the Klansmen in the Mississippi Burning conspiracy were badly beaten in the federal prison in Texarkana when fellow inmates read an article about them in a Reader's Digest in the prison library.
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If you make any kind of art and call yourself a "content creator" I will go angry mom on your ass so fast. "Content" is corporate pabulum. You make art. Call yourself an artist, hold your head up high, and don't help bean-counters and empty suits to degrade you. They'll do that on their own.
Let's make like a sheep dog, and get the flock out of here, Mr. Shimzen.
If you were a Starfleet captain what would your catchphrase ("engage", "hit it", "make it so" etc) be?
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"Our cutting-edge lemonade stand harnesses the insight of artificial intelligence to help us understand our customers’ needs like never before. We’re confident this next-gen technology was a valuable investment for our 25-cent children’s drink business." www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/our...
Our Lemonade Stand Is Powered by AIwww.mcsweeneys.net Our cutting-edge lemonade stand harnesses the insight of artificial intelligence to help us understand our customers’ needs like never before. We’r...
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No one believes that with regard to the generation of the art. A prompt is not creation. That's like saying speaking your order into the drive-in mic means you cooked your burger and fries.