The Spectre ☭f Human Kindness

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The Spectre ☭f Human Kindness


when people are occupied, resistance is justified.

- feral dialectics
- critical race theorist
- cultivator of only the best ideas
- reposter for visibility
- greater common sensist
- Zhukov enjoyer

It should be much easier for minors to change their names for example what if they are trans or what if their parents named them Drake
You can’t reform an entity based on genocide, as settler-colonial projects are, without allowing its foundational genocide to continue in some way. You have to create something else entirely. The concepts of “Israel” as a nation-state and a free Palestine are mutually exclusive.
Believe in yourself, you dumb motherfucker.
The French Left has shown how not to capitulate to the far right. You don't negotiate with fucking fascists, you don't normalise them, or try to act helpless amid their rise. You don't move to the right to please them. You move further to the Left and BEAT them! That's what you do!
Got invited to something called an “edging party” but when I asked what it was they said I can’t come
"There is a tendency to treat the harm that American politicians cause overseas as if it has nothing to do with their character or legacy. Nobody seems to care too much anymore about all the blood and misery on George W. Bush’s hands. Henry Kissinger had a grand old life."
Once again Netanyahu makes clear that his primary precondition for a ceasefire deal is that it does not include a ceasefire
I really don’t think most people realize just how hard the boot will come down if Trump and the Republicans win the election. Most people have never experienced the totalitarian surveillance state with the power to reach into their homes and minds at will they are telling us is their plan.
Anyway, here are the folks I’m voting for even if I have to write them in. I’ll vote straight green / working families down ballot, and I will NEVER vote for a candidate whose actions since 1972. have killed millions and millions of innocents.
Claudia & Karina
I’m sick of watching liberals circle jerk to West Wing fanfic fantasies vs. accepting the 2-party system will be the reason few babies born in 2024 live past 50 and DOING SOMETHING TO END IT. So sad and angry that the US Coward Vote is probs going to be the end of humanity.
Bucking pressure from the Biden administration, the new Labour government of the United Kingdom is expected to drop its objections to ICC arrest warrants being issued against Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant. The UK will also contemplate whether to restore funding to UNRWA in the near future.
Labour expected to drop challenge to ICC over Netanyahu arrest Exclusive: UK government appears unlikely to go ahead with legal bid, while Keir Starmer has spoken with Israeli PM over Gaza ceasefire
"the Left eats itself" certainly isn't folks finding out they're a lot less Lefty than their self righteousness allows couldn't be surely the liberals are the true leftists and everyone else is a trumpie such an honest assessment to stand by trump would sooo be worse for Gaza thats y biden gud
i love it when people argue me based on who they wish i were as if i'm the asshole arguably a better one than them i guess but like if the basis of your argument rests on me being someone i'm not you don't have one and you're not honest enough to care lol
Israeli soldiers are given free rein to shoot at whatever they please with almost no restrictions. "Shoot first, ask questions later.’ That was the consensus … No one will shed a tear if we flatten a house when there was no need, or if we shoot someone who we didn’t have to."
‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please, setting homes ablaze, and leaving corpses on the streets — all with their c...
The right wing in the west isn't a Russian op and pretending it is, might be the single most destructive thing you can do besides actively supporting it.
The lesson from France.... It might appear that far right movements in Western countries are headed for landslide electoral victories. But remember: Russian troll farms CANNOT VOTE.
One thing that has been interesting to me is that it has been the moderates in the Democratic party, not the progressives, who have been calling for Biden's replacement. The Squad has been silent as far as I can tell.
"the economy is great actually, you're just dumb" THEN EXPLAIN THIS
fuck off genocidal libtards
It turns out if centrists back the left and work together they can beat the right. Who knew?
im not gonna say this twice but good job france