
A lot of people look at the implacable and irrational unpersuadability of antivaxxers and kinda conclude "ah there's nothing we can do except let them win" instead of the correct conclusion that we need to force them to get their kids vaccinated against their parents' will
We had a test of this theory during COVID and among the groups that actually were forced to get vaccinated, most "reluctant" people just got the shot with only a few holdouts. Didn't even take a very big stick in a lot of cases!
Democrats control a lot of state legislatures!
I want to achieve that, but I think those victories are going to be hard to get with legislatures
We now live in a right wing world as far as covid. They won every one of their battles.
Except with COVID itself, which killed them off at a rate significantly higher than their leftier peers.
It killed people in zip codes. Do you think the people in red zip codes are all right wing, or do you think the poor people working for rich whites suffered more in those zip codes. Covid killed non whites.
We tell ourselves things to make ourselves feel okay for the horrors we inflict on other less fortunate people.
Nobody "inflicted" the horror of COVID on them, it's a disease. And vaccination is an individual decision, what the heck are you one about? No wonder you think the right wing won every battle 🙄 Didn't mean to engage Doomer bait.
We very much inflicted it on children. We did not make the schools safe for kids then forced kids back in. It's remarkably stupid to have gotten this far into covid and not know the basics of how to keep from catching it. Many solutions, none taken because "Others" get it worse or whatever bullshit.
As far as right wingers winning every battle, you are completely unread and uninformed.
Could be some kinda connection here but I’m not sure?