
The Cybertruck is indistinguishable from a product specifically designed to make fun of people who would like a Cybertruck
Guy waited five years and paid $102k for a Cybertruck, crashed it after four hours of driving, only for Tesla to tell him that "the accelerator may not disengage under braking" and that it will take $30k and one year to repair. Truly an L of historical proportions.
[nodding intensifies]
Lol. The "Cybertruck will act as a boat" but, if you drive your brand new Cybertruck with 26 miles on it in a tiny bit of water, not even reaching the cabin, your insurance company may total the car as not worth the cost of repairing your $100k dumpster on wheels.
[nodding so hard I pop a piece of my neck off like a piece of a cybertruck on the freeway]
I for one am glad the Cybertruck exists bc what other vehicle is out there providing nonstop hits like this