
Lol. The "Cybertruck will act as a boat" but, if you drive your brand new Cybertruck with 26 miles on it in a tiny bit of water, not even reaching the cabin, your insurance company may total the car as not worth the cost of repairing your $100k dumpster on wheels.
briefly as a boat and thereafter as scrap metal
It'll act briefly as an airship if you drive it off a cliff.
Yep. Just ask the guy who drove his family off a cliff in one.
"briefly as a boat" in the same way the Pacific garbage patch serves briefly as an island
in the same way that waving your arms around can act briefly as a parachute
Wile E Coyote can briefly walk on air
A manhole cover can serve briefly as an escape vehicle if it has enough kinetic energy
Operation Plumbbob -
And how everything is edible… once
Which funnily enough is exactly how the German Fallschirmjager steered their parachutes.
"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."
I'm not convinced a cybertruck can survive a heavy rain shower.
briefly as a boat then slightly longer as a submarine then on to future billionaire dive site
I don’t think I’ve seen the seat bracket/slider before. It looks 3D printed.
falls in line with "everything is airdroppable once"
C'mon, whomst amongst us hasn't paid almost $3,500 a mile for a vehicle we've lost?
If your vehicle was scrapped with 26 miles on the odometer, will you continue to receive DOT recall notices for years as I have with scrapped Hondas and a scrapped BMW? Or because Tesla is a non-woke Texas-based company do they never register their vehicles with DOT so they will never get recalled?
Boat or boat anchor, what’s the difference? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
In naval terminology submarines are boats, so technically…
Can’t wait for the first metal quality defect reports to come out.
I mean if this happened on the coast somewhere they might turn into coral which would be cool. But then the sharks might get electrocuted which would not be cool
I recognize that America has some very permissive laws re: deceptive marketing, but I'm kind of surprised that "you void your warranty on this six-figure purchase it you use it in the exact way the CEO of the company said that it could be used" isn't prompting litigation
Not sure if the decision's come down yet, but one of Musk's many lawsuits is over if the things he bloviates about on Xitter are 'official pronouncements' that can be used by investors or customers as guidance.
There is a near guarantee of a class action lawsuit in the very near future for Tesla. Specifically when Tesla is forced to reveal no car in the road today can by to L3 without Lidar and new hardware. Cybertruck owners are all cult members. So not sure they can get enough for a class action.
Presumably more than one stockholder lawsuit as well, though unfortunately the stockholders did just pay him slightly more than the cost of Twitter.
I am 100% convinced he asked for that pay package as a way to recoup his twitter expenditure and then just tacked on a few bil because he’s him
It was before he bought Twitter. But either way I can’t see him using his own money to recoup his costs. No, he will make some poor, gullible finance bro do it.
That would require one of the purchasers of a cybertruck to bring a lawsuit, right? That would be an attack on their god.
I'm genuinely mystified by our entire highway safety system at this point. I was under the impression that we had an agency or agencies that monitored these things, but I'm seeing reports like "sometimes the brakes don't work and it accelerates instead". I thought that would be a full recall, but?
Litigation is expensive and very slow... and as long as it feels like we've been mocking these, they've only been out a few months and I think only single-digit thousands exist. The litigation will happen in time...
The reason it's not prompting litigation is that every single person who purchased a cyber truck is an Elon musk sycophant and wouldn't dare utter a negative word about their God.
In the 90s, a buddy had a 85 4wd Honda Civic. We were off road and came to a river. Water over the hood, hitting the windshield, floating and bouncing off rocks as we went. I thought I was going to die, but we made it. Twice. TIL I'd rather have an 85 Civic than a Cybertruck...
I had an 84 and an 86 Honda at points in my life, but I don't recall them ever making 4wd ones...
i had a honda that was briefly three-wheel drive.
Apparently yes. It was this weird ass thing. Now I want to find one. 82k miles, $6200. Looks to be a little rust. I don't remember if they came in a manual, but look for one if you can.
The Civic wagon was available with 4wd
Somehow, it was an absolute beast despite having wheels only slightly larger than dinner plates. I've not seen any 4wd Honda Civics in a while. Every now and then I see a Toyota Tercel. Someone (not me) in KC is selling a 88 Nissan Stanza.
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Why did you get in the car the second time
it worked the first time, right?
I would have done the same
I had a Civic over 10 years, needed only minor maintenance. Got another one when the time came. They’re basic, well-made cars that do the job of getting you from point a to point b, which is all I want.
My wonderful Civic lasted 20 years until I got in an accident and it gave up the ghost.
At the time I wrote this, which was, in retrospect, far too generous. Pretty clearly Elon said “it will serve as a boat” based on nothing more than “that would be cool and my truck will be super cool”.