
The Cybertruck is indistinguishable from a product specifically designed to make fun of people who would like a Cybertruck
Guy waited five years and paid $102k for a Cybertruck, crashed it after four hours of driving, only for Tesla to tell him that "the accelerator may not disengage under braking" and that it will take $30k and one year to repair. Truly an L of historical proportions.
[nodding intensifies]
Lol. The "Cybertruck will act as a boat" but, if you drive your brand new Cybertruck with 26 miles on it in a tiny bit of water, not even reaching the cabin, your insurance company may total the car as not worth the cost of repairing your $100k dumpster on wheels.
[nodding so hard I pop a piece of my neck off like a piece of a cybertruck on the freeway]
I for one am glad the Cybertruck exists bc what other vehicle is out there providing nonstop hits like this
What I wouldn’t give to have hours of Car Talk discussing the Cybertruck
You could make this happen with ChatGPT *out of nowhere a shoe connects with my forehead rendering me completely incapable of speech*
Would Elon post a meme making fun of his own truck just so people would like him? Absolutely. 100%.
I live in SF so unfortunately see them all the time but I saw one in Yosemite last weekend which for some reason made me particularly sad. Can’t have something that stupid somewhere so miraculous.
On the plus side, driving on dirt has probably caused permanent damage to the cibbertruck body, and being in nature probably voided the warranty.
Someone is trying to park a beastie in my dear old San Francisco? Good grief! Good luck to them.
Literally the embodiment of your average conservative Elon stan. Bad ideas, extremely fragile, unable to do anything besides live in the suburbs, can't handle anything out of the ordinary, identifies as rugged and individualistic but is constantly relying on modern amenities. It's like a mirror.
There’s a serious “The Bassomatic” vibe with the Tesla product
Lewis Black nailed it when he described them as the product of inbreeding DeLoreans.
Elon: I have all these fans, I better make a product that tells them exactly what I think of them! Then sell it to them at an insane markup!
Buying a Cybertruck is the equivalent of paying Elon Musk to watch you bash yourself in the dick with a baseball bat until you pass out.