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Melbourne, Australia. PhD. Follower of “socio-materialism” (Deleuze, Latour, Stengers) & Tavistock Sociotechnical Systems thinking. 79. Interests: politics, music, economics, archeology, astronomy(esp. cosmology) philosophy of science & science fiction
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For a detailed history & philosophy of science perspective on this question, my recent students & I have a paper forthcoming in @thebjps.bsky.social on this: "Are We in a Sixth Mass Extinction? The Challenges of Answering and Value of Asking" bokulich.org/wp-content/u...
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POP-GOV DAILY 25 -HUGE UNDERREPORTED NEWS: Fed court rejects conservative challenge to EPA rules reducing carbon emissions -WaPo: Behind the Scenes as JOE BIDEN LOST CONTROL of the Dem Party -NYT column on GOP LEGACY OF LOSING -JD Vance's Spotify playlist is UNIQUELY TERRIBLE www.pop-gov.com
pop-Govwww.pop-gov.com 1.  Fed Ct Rejects Conservative Challenge to EPA Rules Reducing Fossil-Fuel Emissions Courthouse News Service 2.   Biden Still Working Hard as He Prepares for High-Stakes Meeting w/Netanyahu...
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We should all be asking ourselves, “Why are corporate media and the Democratic Party establishment trying so hard to push President Joseph R. Biden out of the race?” 🤨 “Republicans have no principles, Democrats have no spine.” Professor Allan Lichtman youtu.be/S-hZeRQxA0g?...
FED UP Professor Lichtman DROPS THE HAMMER on Trump and SPINELESS…youtu.be MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas interviews Professor Allan Lichtman on the 2024 election between President Biden and Donald Trump. Visit https://meidastouch.co...
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Absolutely huge numbers of bears last night and again tonight. 20+ bears at the falls. And fortunately, the salmon are running strong tonight. There may be some squabbling, but everyone is going to get fed.
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The aggravated identity theft charges pertain to allegations that Santos used campaign donors’ credit card information to make repeated contributions they hadn’t authorized. Prosecutors say he also tried to hide the true source of the money — and evade campaign contribution limits .
Judge turns down ex-Rep. George Santos' request to nix some charges ahead of fraud trialapnews.com Former U.S. Rep. George Santos has lost a bid to get rid of part of the criminal case against him as he heads toward trial on charges that include defrauding campaign donors.
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I think people think "plastic" and the think of the large amount of plastic in the ocean. I don't think they understand that plastic is in rainfall. It's in snow. It's in human placentas and breast milk. And that increasingly our understanding is those chemicals in plastic are not good for us. /3
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I've been irritated with the election coverage from The Atlantic, but I didn't cancel my subscription because they still do know how to publish real journalism: www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/...
A Searing Reminder That Trump Is Unwellwww.theatlantic.com His bizarre diatribe at the RNC shows why the pro-democracy coalition is so worried about beating him.
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Silicon Valley is done with regulators and critics. Billionaires like Elon Musk and Marc Andreessen are lining up behind Donald Trump and his Thiel-funded running mate J.D. Vance. They want to ensure tech is integral to making American great again.
Silicon Valley’s dangerous plan for a second Trump termdisconnect.blog The Little Tech Agenda was crafted to defend the power of tech billionaires
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Project 2025 would sabotage science-based policies that address climate change, the environment, abortion, health care access, technology and education. It would impose religious and conservative ideology on the federal civil service. Read Scientific American's analysis of its threats 🧪
Project 2025 Plan for Trump Presidency Has Far-Reaching Threats to Sciencewww.scientificamerican.com Project 2025 would jeopardize federal scientists’ independence and undermine their influence
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Oldest European Hominid Remains Indicate Early Humans Crossed Strait Of Gibraltar 🏺🧪 www.iflscience.com/oldest-europ... Accepting this conclusion requires a radical rethinking of our ancestors’ technological capacity more than a million years ago.
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The phylogenetic position of the Yunxian cranium elucidates the origin of Dragon Man and the Denisovans 🏺🧪 Xiaobo Feng, @chrisbstringer.bsky.social et al www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1... Suggests this is may be an early member of the Asian ‘Dragon Man’ lineage, which probably includes Denisovans.
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Happy Friday all! That ash spill from earlier this week? Yeah, it was FIVE TIMES LARGER THAN INITIALLY ESTIMATED!! "Minnesota Power now estimates that some 5.5 million gallons of [coal ash adjacent] water spilled through a cracked pipe outside its coal plant." www.startribune.com/utility-coal...
Utility: Coal ash spill in northern Minnesota was five times larger than first thoughtwww.startribune.com Minnesota Power is cleaning up a spill of coal ash-laced water at Boswell Energy Center in Cohasset, Minn.
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