
There is a point at which we would all agree that Biden needs to step down, right? Like, if he was suddenly Dianne-Feinstein-at-the-end levels of visibly too old, I could call for him to step without being lumped in with Trump supporters, right?
And there's obviously a point at which the question would go away, right? Like, if he miraculously improves to even Joe-Biden-in-2012 levels of sharp and energetic, and shows this in every public appearance, calls for more debates, etc.
The current reality is decidedly in between those two extremes. So what we're arguing about is whether his actual mental state is close enough to the first one that he should call it and step down. My position is that the debate showed it is. That doesn't make me a Trump supporter.
What if we focused on the most important priority America has ever faced, which is stopping trump, and we did that by sticking with the only person who has ever succeeded at doing that?
Agree about the most important priority America faces! I think we could either do that with Biden or with Harris. If Biden were to die, heaven forbid, we would 100% unite behind Harris and not just give up. Right?
Definitely. I just don’t see how all this “Should Biden step down because he’s old?” discourse helps anything, especially since the bad side isn’t calling for their also decrepitly old candidate who is literally, openly evil to step down. Our best chance is the one who already beat evil before.