
You need to get a better job and the job you are doing needs to be performed by a fifteen year old Cook Islander, I think that's what the Naxis believe
Ask them how 15 year olds get to become teachers
And then there's this version...
We're doing shit for billionaires and the people they pay to propagandise and oppress us to keep taking it, as they get richer than ever in human history living in obnoxious luxury, and we struggle with desperate anxiety about basics & fear that if anything goes wrong we'll shortly become homeless
Everyone is replaceable by AI except the billionaires.
They can be replaced with far more simple code, if entitled narcissistic asshole would do this, then do this
The small shell script needed to replace Musk wouldn’t even top 1 kB.
Give it even more utility than the meat bag it’s replacing, and have it donate $1M to a random charity once each day.
No, actually. AI can't do anything while costing billions in electricity. Doesn't mean the burgeoisie isn't trying, but that crap will either blow over or break.
The techbros & vcbros were so busy hyping up AI as this "everything" product & service - then Google rolled out AI assisted search trained on reddit data they spent $65 million to buy & it immediately showed us all said AI is dangerously stupid & clueless & not even close to ready for market
It's a worse bubble than basically all of cryptocurrency which was at least fueling a couple of casinos masquerading as "digital decentralized banks", neither LLMs or image generation work for anything except automated translation in the case of the former.
I'm not really one for nostalgia because I'm LGBTQ+ & the further I go back into the past the worst things are for my people, but I do remember a time when I was excited by new tech, in the mid 2000s But now new big tech is mostly techbros and vcbros making shit that ruins our lives
Well said, sir. That's the bottom line, isn't it?
If you read this and still wake up in support of capitalism you’re the fucking cuck. And likely a sociopath.
Billions ...
There are Billions made through undercharging for labour & materials, overcharging for products & services & avoiding paying as much tax as possible. Yes taxing at going rates, but we should seize their assets to pay for rebates to their out of pocket customers, employees, contractors & suppliers.💸 Let’s break down how the rich live above the law, set up systems to do it, and f**k over the rest of us. Welcome to Offshore.
yes, but i want to know why some of us are born to be rent-collectors and some are born to be rent-payers? we should all be born free from having to pay rent to someone else just for temporary right to stay alive, this is slavery with extra steps
This kind of assertion is almost immediately followed by arguments about what counts as a square meal, and how much "utilities" is _really_ needed in a day, and so on.
We’re doing shit to make the rich richer. All other shit is strongly discouraged.
You are right, so you always seek a job that fulfills your desires and not a job that you love, but as for me, I am seeking to join the fire brigade. This is just what I want, without looking at the financial compensation.
It’s the only game in town, that’s why. But the millionaires thank you for your sacrifice. 😏