David Kaye

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David Kaye


californian. human rights, tech, international law. uc irvine. gni. fulbright. article 19. prior: UN special rapporteur. go bears!
i'm struck that josh marshall thinks it's *when not if* kamala replaces joe. he's long been in the skeptical camp on his withdrawal. this here makes a lot of sense to me. talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/coupl...
polling station in oxford. seems there's a metaphor somewhere here.
there are three historic stories in the US rn and the coverage, esp in the NYT, seems focused only on one. guess which: - supreme court's decimation of democratic accountability - real possibility of anti-democratic govt - biden's ability to continue as nominee talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/times...
kagan's final para seems apt
Justice Jackson, by the way, is on it
as usual, @rickhasen.bsky.social nails it, capturing the awfulness of john roberts & his decimation of democracy (which is not new) slate.com/news-and-pol...
moderately surprising & slightly hopeful from mélenchon www.lemonde.fr/en/france/ar...
two years ago, the EU banned RT/Sputnik, Russian state media. yesterday josef borrell said it was because they "are instrumental in supporting the war of aggression against Ukraine". that's an empirical claim. so, what effect has the ban had actually? is euro information space 'better' b/c of it?
Noboa dissing Boric, Petro & Milei (and all Argentina!), all in the midst of a story on how he’s addressing Ecuador’s drug-gang crisis, seems just a bit undiplomatic, no? in Jon Lee Anderson’s great New Yorker piece.
cop pulls up to suspicious vehicle. finds this. does the waymo pull away? resist? comply? 🤷‍♂️
he’s trying to tell me something, i can’t figure out what it is.
this is the core of the Munoz dissent, and it’s a powerful one
you're pretty well showing your POV if you frame a saudi deal like this (from current story in FT). really a superficial, beltway-driven story, no voices saying, 'hey, why are we doing this?'
in response to the dad rock article in the times my kids figured this would be mine and it's not bad - not a top 10 (or 11) but their version of "dad rock" for me.
it’s a wilco morning i guess
things are ugly out there and my anxiety about our future is high, but i got a boost by seeing the english beat open up for vampire weekend at the bowl last night.
I don't know nearly enough about domestic French political dynamics to know whether Macron's gamble could energize the left, but this writer opens the possibility
Joel Simon, former head of CPJ, posted this tribute. 😢
chancellor carol christ, uc berkeley (gift link --> www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/u...)
saturday diversion. a day game at dodger stadium in the late 70s. maybe i'm 8. we're walking to our section when who do we see but the one and only ray bolger - the scarecrow! he does a little scarecrow jig. etched in my memory. no photos but i got his autograph, which i just rediscovered.
props to FT's photo editor
Haaretz journalist reporting Israeli surveillance of ICC: "I was explained [by sr security official] that if I publish the story, I would suffer the consequences and get to know the interrogation rooms of the Israeli security authorities from the inside." www.haaretz.com/israel-news/...
if you happen to be in LA over the next several months, check out the ed ruscha retrospective at LACMA. tell me these do not capture a vibe. i mean, norms on fire!
gift from a former grad student of mine totally hit the mark
reunited with this guy
not some fringe lefty. a former likud prime minister of israel says this www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024...
Are Israeli lawyers representing Netanyahu and Gallant prepared to argue this in court? Doubtful, but they do treat the ICJ process with some respect notwithstanding the outrage they express over the South African claims. [reporting courtesy of Haaretz)
this is exactly the point i made abt complementarity in my times piece