Hayes Brown

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Hayes Brown


Twitter Refugee. Writer. Etc.
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
This is what every executive who says they “work 18 hours a day” means
I will never forget Trump's official White House schedule
biden staffer: I wish there was more press coverage of the president’s campaign speeches monkey’s paw: [curls a finger down]
so did we ever figure out what Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson got from concurring in Trump v. Anderson, the 14th amendment case, instead of dissenting?
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
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new from me: John Roberts shot down Trump's absurd "double jeopardy" argument in his immunity case, finding it ridiculous to assume that an impeachment trial acquittal triggered criminal immunity. Because we can't have nice things, he then replaced it with an even more airtight protection for Trump
Opinion | Trump's wildest immunity argument was shot down. What replaced it is worse.www.msnbc.com The chief justice shot down one of Trump's most absurd claims to support presidential immunity, then proceeded to go even further.
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
new from me: John Roberts shot down Trump's absurd "double jeopardy" argument in his immunity case, finding it ridiculous to assume that an impeachment trial acquittal triggered criminal immunity. Because we can't have nice things, he then replaced it with an even more airtight protection for Trump
Opinion | Trump's wildest immunity argument was shot down. What replaced it is worse.www.msnbc.com The chief justice shot down one of Trump's most absurd claims to support presidential immunity, then proceeded to go even further.
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
new from me: John Roberts shot down Trump's absurd "double jeopardy" argument in his immunity case, finding it ridiculous to assume that an impeachment trial acquittal triggered criminal immunity. Because we can't have nice things, he then replaced it with an even more airtight protection for Trump
Opinion | Trump's wildest immunity argument was shot down. What replaced it is worse.www.msnbc.com The chief justice shot down one of Trump's most absurd claims to support presidential immunity, then proceeded to go even further.
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
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do you think they tell the love island villa that labour have won the election
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
Complete third eye vision: Irene Adler explaining the tenets of polyamory to Sherlock Holmes who puffs on his pipe and says it is logical coherent, evolutionary sound and socially verified among many cultures of the world. Watson is sputtering and aghast.
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"Like the Jim Crow-era decisions, the immunity ruling ignores both the plain text of the Constitution and the historical evidence...to embolden those who believe that might makes right." My latest, on Trump v. U.S and the Reconstruction amendments, for MSNBC: www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnb...
Opinion | The Supreme Court’s immunity ruling has a chilling parallel to the Jim Crow erawww.msnbc.com The spirit and reasoning of the majority in Trump v. U.S. evokes the worst of post-Civil War jurisprudence.
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I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
crises come in different flavors but they do keep coming
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
yoda arrogantly oversaw the collapse of the republic and died in exile
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
I hope it goes bankrupt
Earlier this week, AI company ElevenLabs said it is bringing digitally produced celebrity voice-overs of deceased actors to its newly launched Reader app. The company said the app takes articles, PDF, ePub, newsletters, e-books or any other text on your phone and turns it into voice-overs.
AI resurrects deceased actors’ voices to read audiobooks | CNN Businesscnn.it Actress Judy Garland never recorded her voice to read an audiobook of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, but you’ll soon be able to hear her rendition of the children’s novel that inspired the movie nonethel...
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
hi, are you doomscrolling? Have you had something to eat today? How about water? Have you gone outside?
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
Judge Denies Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Use Consumer Protection Law to Shut Down a Migrant Shelter Annunciation House is one of more than a dozen organizations Ken Paxton has investigated using the state’s powerful consumer protection laws.
Judge Denies Texas Attorney General’s Efforts to Use Consumer Protection Law to Shut Down a Migrant Shelterwww.propublica.org Annunciation House is one of more than a dozen organizations Ken Paxton has investigated using the state’s powerful consumer protection laws.
Reposted byAvatar Hayes Brown
If only a Founder made this exact point, in the Federalist Papers, to explain separation of powers. Oh wait that's exactly what Madison wrote. "It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government." constitutioncenter.org/the-constitu...
idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task
AND ANOTHER THING. It's wild how much Roberts leans on Fitzgerald to find that criminal immunity must also exist, when there's such a world of difference between saying "we gotta keep randos from being able to sue the president" and "the president can't be charged with doing crimes at work"
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I once made a show about power with @hugorifkind.bsky.social and my favourite question was “what’s the worst thing you could do if you were evil?”. A former Lord Chief Justice reckoned he could rig Supreme Court cases by carefully assigning judges.
idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task
idk it just seems to me that laws, like tech, should be created with the question "what would the worst person i know be able to do with this power" in mind and it's truly incredible how much this opinion fails at that basic task
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
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which, of course, would be news to the impeachment judgments clause, tho I guess we're only very selectively textualists these days
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
And even though bribery is one of the few enumerated “high crimes and misdemeanors” eligible for impeachment, apparently you could no longer prosecute him for it even if removed from office??
occurs to me that bribing the president is now /always/ legal, since in every case the only way to distinguish gratuity from bribe is via evidence that could never be admissible
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"Don't worry, if the president imprisons his political enemies, you can still get a writ of habeas corpus." "But to prove that's why you've been imprisoned requires proof of..." "Presidential motive!" "And under Trump v US, presidential motive is..." "Inadmissible!"