
commentary seems pointless. we are facing the construction of new kind of lawless, authoritarian-friendly governance in america, and i'm not sure what to say. it's what we do that matters.
we (meaning dems) played by the rules for so freaking long. the other side does not. the only real question is whether we have it in ourselves to take back the country for democratic (small d) power. and i'm not sure.
i think it's okay to be shell-shocked for a few days. but after that, what's happening? the normal waffling and tiptoeing around? or some fire-and-brimstone and alarm-bells sounding and action to earn our democracy?
I don’t know the solution. I’m thinking general strike? But within the current parameters, this podcast has a lot of ideas to rein them in.
Contempt of Contempt of Court news and analysis from The Nation.
Maybe you need better rules?
i wish i had a good/easy answer to that. but at a minimum, we need a platform that says this is how we take back democracy and human rights and sell it so that dems win control of the house and senate. i'm not sure where potus fits in, sadly.
We'd get a lot done if we 1) expanded SCOTUS, 2) ended the Senate filibuster, and 3) expanded the House (see, e.g., But I'm not betting on any of these absent truly unprecedented-scale grassroots organizing backed by the resources of many multi-billionaires.
Opinion | The House was supposed to grow with population. It didn’t. Let’s fix The framers never wanted members to represent such large districts — and with good reason.
The partI find funniest are the exhortations to vote. This case came about because voting can be made to not matter if you can install electors. Like, it feels pretty fucking over. If not this election, then whenever the GOP next wins (or takes) the presidency.
According to the Heritage Foundation, they've already seized power, they're just waiting for an excuse to violently exercise it. It's...pretty bad.
this sums up how I feel at this moment... screaming into the void of social media seems more pointless than ever in this moment.
Yeah vote blue up & down our ballots and get everyone you know to do the same since we can no longer trust the legal system to protect us.