
On July 4, the most influential newspaper in the United States decided to use some of its very selective and limited space to publish a screed from a right-wing, anti-democracy zealot.
This is a dumb article, but also isn't the author's first rodeo, and his other writing shows the real reason he doesn't vote "But my principal reason for declining to take part in elections is moral. It involves, I suppose, a private objection to democracy itself."
In a very non-trivial way, July 4 and the American War of Independence secured liberty by securing the right to vote. So running this on July 4 sure is a choice
Everything is coming up monarchy
ngl sure is a weird history reversal that the UK chose July 4 of all days to throw off the yolk of their entitled and incompetent government, and over in the US the NYT and supreme court have spent the past week deciding that presidents are kings and voting is bad actually
goddamn it, "yoke", not yolk. Tho i guess either works
I prefer my eggs scrambled so this works for me. (It’s a *kind* of throwing the yolk …)