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Old school IT engineer, weather gazer, Padres sufferer. RIP Heidi (Oct ‘23) & Wolfgang (Jan ‘24). I talk about CHF & Parkinsons cause I have them. USAF vet.
Birthdays & holidays: my late brother’s birthday was in early December, and as a kid he hated any kind of combining his birthday with Christmas. Flip side is my birthday is next week. Combining it with July 4th was never an issue or cause for complaint. 😁
I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Do Cybertrucks get their own special heavy rain alert in weather like tonight? Maybe they auto return to base or something? Deploy shields, I don’t know. One wiper seems kinda small. 😄 #nmwx
Tonight went exactly as I expected, given the simulation we must live in & the writers’ need to stoke the drama. 😁
Where do I sign up to go sit in a Fallout vault for the next 50 years?
Well, time to go do something fun or maybe even useful for a couple of hours.
Ah, monsoon in New Mexico. Where even during a flood watch, most everyone measures rainfall in drops per minute and occasionally in tenths. And like 5 places get rain.
So *this* must be what it’s like to stand on stage addressing a Trump rally.
Don’t know quite what the bees are up to, but the birds have been busy. Got 3 nests/bird houses around outside the house with babies in them. House sparrows, it seems.
Been 20 years. Still miss you every day but especially today, dad.
June 6th is the day for one of my favorite pieces of trivia: Omaha & Utah Beaches were named cause they asked 2 US NCOs where they were born. Gold, Sword, & (originally) Jelly the Brits named for fish. Uneasy that Jelly was not serious enough it was renamed to Juno late.
Reposted byAvatar DavidNelsonNM
this decision by the MLB that gambling is bad is brought to you by MLB partners FanDuel and Draft Kings sign up now for $300 in free bets with promotional code “TUCUPITA”
Over at The Bad Place, the dipstick owner just made it harder to mute, block, or follow someone. Those options are now missing from the upper right 3 dots, you must open someone’s profile and do it there. Meanwhile at Bluesky, all I see are improvements.
Reposted byAvatar DavidNelsonNM
Driver who accelerated into a demonstration in March identified as 2018 candidate for NM governor Dark money group founder Jeff Apodaca admits he drove the truck at the Palestinian solidarity protest in Albuquerque, saying he was fearful at the time sourcenm.com/2024/05/31/d...
Driver who accelerated into a demonstration identified as 2018 candidate for NM governor • Source New Mexicosourcenm.com Over the course of six weeks, Source New Mexico conducted separate interviews with 11 eyewitnesses, and reviewed videos and photographs.
Guess my usual rerun watching of Law & Order will be especially nice this evening.
I fell hard just over 3 weeks ago, right on the knees. Saw orthopedics today as the left is still swollen & painful, and learned among other things I’m a candidate for knee replacement. Oh goddammit.
It’s almost disconcerting, but the History Channel seems to be doing actual history.
Riding herd on the sheep/goat flock on the Rez can be fun, boring, windy, cold, or hot. It can also remind you of Mother Nature - we lost a lamb today to a coyote, not 500 feet from where I was at. Sigh.
“Well, they booed out the Chicken Man in DC last night, And they’re blowing up Truth Social, today …” 🎶🎶🎶
Last weekend I saw 5 Cybertrucks being unloaded at the Tesla Albuquerque facility, first ones I’d ever seen live. Today I drove by - they now have 14 of them. Sales lot is >75% full too. They just be parking these cars.
Being an ABQLGND with Arizona plates is certainly a take. On the bright side, perhaps it’s still available for those ABQ legends with you know, New Mexico license plates.
The electric coop out here on the Rez lost power, which happens. What’s both a little concerning & yet amusing is the outage section of their website is also down.
Aurora borealis, won’t you come out tonight Come out tonight Come out tonight (sigh)
Reposted byAvatar DavidNelsonNM
Oh no, I just canceled my subscription to the NYTimes and now I’ll miss out on the cutting-edge insights into the Democratic Party from top consultants like Mark Penn, Pat Caddell, and former Governor Al Smith.
Mark Penn's complaining is the most hopeful sign I've seen in months that Biden will be re-elected. (I joke - but if you actually want someone to be on the outside of your campaign pissing in, rather than vice-versa, it is Mark Penn)
Saw my first Tesla Cybertruck in the wild - sort of. 4 or 5 were on transport carrier unloading at the Tesla dealership in Bernalillo, NM (on Santa Ana Pueblo technically). Parked with ~80-100 cars already there. Fugly.
Everybody’s getting Northern Lights but here in Albuquerque & other parts of NM we’re getting blowing dust alerts instead. Guess we’re taking one for the team tonight.
And despite this subscribers apparently think if they just sub a little harder, shovel just a bit more cash at the NYTimes, that the paper will change. Gotta have that Wordle & food section though, I guess.
Just so you know, NYT fully believes they have no obligation to stop the fascist attack on America. They've finally said so explicitly. Act accordingly. www.semafor.com/article/05/0...
Joe Kahn: 'The newsroom is not a safe space'www.semafor.com The New York Times' executive editor said the paper is a “pillar” of democracy but not a tool of power.
Pour one out for the 5 Rez lambs here who unknowingly attended Tail Docking / Castration Day today. Luckily, there were 4 gals and just 1 guy … though that guy (far left in photo) isn’t feeling all that lucky right now.
I know it’s early and all, but has anyone tried turning May off and back on again? Maybe too much April got stuck in the calendar.
The things you learn while sitting in a recliner at 2am with a heating pad on a bad back cause you can’t sleep … Twitter went down for like 45 minutes. Hope Elon wasn’t in the middle of a video demo in China or anything. 😄