
This debate is a prime example of how profoundly we are ill equipped to deal w/the rise of authoritarianism. Letting blatant lies fly. Doing nothing to follow up on lies & ignoring questions. Normal rules don't apply. We need to think--CLEARLY--about the best ways to clear the air & support truth.
We—they, actually—have had eight years to think about the rise of authoritarianism. If they can’t or won’t take it on here and now, they will never lift a finger. My only question is whether it’s fear, incompetence, or a cold assessment of self interest.
I honestly don't think people have been taking this threat seriously, due to America's long and storied history of believing in "American exceptionalism" & "it can't happen here." I still get resistance to the idea that democracy is in danger. People really haven't come to grips with where we are.
Half of Bluesky is "both these clowns argued about golf, I'm going to bed" The other half is "Trump won't accept election results / will hand Ukraine to Putin / is planning on exacting revenge on attempts to bring him to justice." Some folks aren't getting it.
I agree -- we are where we were at in 1930s although possibly even more acutely given the sophistication of cyber warfare and disinformation now (which has not only infiltrated the highest echelons of US government but dominates them).
I got blocked by a known political scientist here (and he regularly says Trump is an aspiring dictator) when I noted that trans groups are discussing armed community self defense in the event of a Trump victory and it was probably time to take the idea seriously, given the eliminationist rhetoric.
I'm not sure it has really sunk in even for ppl who do know better. When fascists say they want certain groups to not exist anymore, they really mean that, and dismissing the very real fear of a targeted group as unhelpful or hyperbolic doesn't change the calculation of terror.
I'm not sure that people understand "American exceptionalism" let alone democracy, authoritarianism, socialism, communism, etc. Heck, many -- too many -- don't understand is a constitutional republic.
The cause no longer really matters. It's just the result -- authoritarianism -- that we must fight. Let's not get distracted.