
Hey ladies, ever thought about getting married to the panopticon?
This ring is actually the only reason *several* of my spoonie/chronic illness friends were able to get an actual diagnosis after years of being told "it's all in your head." just plopped all of the data the ring collected into their doctors patient portal and suddenly their pcp cared πŸ˜’πŸ™„
Omg, it’s so sad this thing has real-world use case. That sucks so bad for your friends. I hope they’re getting the treatment they need.
thank you for this. i get why people are trashing it, but wearable health trackers are extremely useful to disabled and chronically ill folks. its horrible that the data could be abused, and its still a useful tool for those of us who need it.
I have an Oura ring and it's helped me understand and improve my horrible sleep as well as help me, a trans woman, see and notice what my menstrual cycle is. The ad is weird but the product is one of the better health tracking devices (and possibly the best one for sleep).
Have had a couple of these, they are easy to use with the app, reasonably accurate and as I already have a watch it saves wearing a fitness watch . The biggest problem is all of the other apps from Google/Strava etc . constantly trying to get you to release your information to them.
Yeah, I thought this ad was really effective.
Yeah I know someone who uses it for this reason too.