
Hey ladies, ever thought about getting married to the panopticon?
This ring is actually the only reason *several* of my spoonie/chronic illness friends were able to get an actual diagnosis after years of being told "it's all in your head." just plopped all of the data the ring collected into their doctors patient portal and suddenly their pcp cared 😒🙄
Omg, it’s so sad this thing has real-world use case. That sucks so bad for your friends. I hope they’re getting the treatment they need.
thank you for this. i get why people are trashing it, but wearable health trackers are extremely useful to disabled and chronically ill folks. its horrible that the data could be abused, and its still a useful tool for those of us who need it.
I have an Oura ring and it's helped me understand and improve my horrible sleep as well as help me, a trans woman, see and notice what my menstrual cycle is. The ad is weird but the product is one of the better health tracking devices (and possibly the best one for sleep).
Yeah, I thought this ad was really effective.
Have had a couple of these, they are easy to use with the app, reasonably accurate and as I already have a watch it saves wearing a fitness watch . The biggest problem is all of the other apps from Google/Strava etc . constantly trying to get you to release your information to them.
Yeah I know someone who uses it for this reason too.
Whoever came up with "feeling ignored? We'll empower you by harvesting your data" is a genius and also they deserve death
The hell kind of ad is this?
Oh so this is what they meant. But what a way to advertise it!
This is exactly what we needed. A cute tech device that lightheartedly collects info on our menstrual cycles so we can get prosecuted more often.
But I'm sure they won't use the data for THAT! Right? right...?
I'm guessing that's a "no" ?
Waaaaaittttt. I thought the “current” product was unisex?*** ***I know you’re referring to the health data part in your scenario, which is…yeah.
A mood ring is not going to help with reproductive health.
I went to their site and looked up their “scientific evidence” section. The ring could be a heart rate detector and maybe a sleep monitor. It doesn’t do anything particular to women.
Beware of data-collecting wearable health devices. But at least they say this: “Oura will oppose any request to provide legal authorities with access to user data for surveillance or prosecution purposes; we will notify users if we receive any such request, whenever legally permissible.”
Whenever legally permissible, sure. But it is always legally permissible to just not buy this crap.
For example: Older version of this ring alerted wearer when body temperature changed, stating wearer might be sick etc. It didnt understand how menstrual cycle affects people with periods. They have now done a lot to improve this
A chart of your hourly body temp could absolutely be used to track ovulation, etc.
Ah, ok. That’s better at least.
Yeah looks like they're just trying to ride the wave
This data will 100% be used to prosecute women who have abortions and miscarriages.
Or weren't even pregnant, but the data was misinterpreted
Yep, missing a period now a felony.
Luckily its Finnish product so not yet. Hope that never.
Sidenote: I work in tech, so I often approach products and services with the joy of innovation, inspecting their development. However, my other approach involves worrying about the misuse of AI and data.
We didn’t think that could happen here, and we were wrong. Best to understand the worst case scenario and protect against it.
You are right. We have seen the change in here too unfortunately, our newest parliament made everything worse. Im still clinging to hope. Im too old for this shit.
You know, oddly, they've been ignoring data gathered by women since the patriarchy began.
Built for women by women, but our previous CEOs were dudes and our current one is a dude because you know, they're just better at this kind of stuff, you know?
since when is data that isn’t personally relevant to wealthy cishet white men **not** ignored? 🤔
Is this a ring that monitors your menstrual cycle? If so, that seems king the last product I’d advise a person capable of pregnancy to get in a country that is trying to criminalize abortion nation-wide.
Verbing gift is just so on brand for this ad.
I don’t know, I was just reading book reviews, and then bam! The advertisers of this country reminded me that the best way to soothe my loneliness is by being tracked.
Even BOOK REVIEWS are no longer safe from this nonsense!
Our company wants to track your personal biological data, that we will not *pay you for* to build our for-profit company's database with a device that *you will pay us for.* Hella Late Stage Capitalism bullshit you've got going on there, man.
panopticon in the streets, necronomicon in the sheets
What if you wore a tracker right on your finger?
yes. clearly the problem is the lack of data and not the men who discount what women in general, but especially what women of color, say.
He is rather hard to ignore.
at least that man has an “off” switch
Okay, this is serious business…but also, I HOLLERED 🤣. Then I had a vision of Beyoncé wearing this in the “Single Ladies” video, and I knew I needed to take a break from my TL…
I did too! I was picturing all the single ladies singing that song and lining up to get this ring and be surveilled!
Ha! Black culture is so thick and rich, tho’! If I wasn’t busy scheming how to save my family from U.S. politics and climate change, I would be working on rewriting the song lyrics to speak to these concerns…🎤🎧
My partner has something like this. It might be exactly this. She has *feelings* about it, but it's also a critical part of her self-management for making sure she gets enough rest and care for her body so... *confused but supportive shrug*
Yes to that shrug…SO frustrating that these advances are being bundled with all these potential privacy breaches! It is an access issue that promises to exacerbate as many concerns as it improves…
Well said. Technology has the potential to make many lives easier, but it also has the potential to be used by evil men and evil governments to destroy. How then to mitigate the risk?
We need free software yesterday. Demand freedom