
Putin's puppet can have a tall glass of shut the fuck up.
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
Is Snowden so disconnected that he doesn’t understand how ridiculous he sounds?
He accepted Russian citizenship in 2022. September of 2022. I'd definitely call that evidence of poor judgement...
He also fled to Russia in the first place, which never sat well with me or anyone with a lick of sense. I mean. Jesus.
There were warmer no extradition countries
There was weird shit where he got laid up on the run and it was implied he HAD to go to Russia but yeah no No. I'd do time in a US prison before I'd run to an enemy like Russia.
He was headed to one of those warmer countries, I think Ecuador, and passing through a Russian airport when the US canceled his Passport. At point he was stranded. I don't remember how many days he stayed in the airport but he eventually decided Russia was his best option. Continued
Given the option of going into Russia or turning himself over to the US authorities I understand the choice. It doesn't mean I like what he's saying now but I understand the choice he made to go into Russia and don't think he was an agent then.
Yeah I don't know if he was then. I didn't think then he was, but as time went on and how he acted But yeah, I don't know WHEN he became an asset, I don't know if anyone knows that but him and Russia
well long as we're making excuses and shit for someoen who deserves it fuck me
I think he was stranded in Hong Kong? but I honestly do not remember
Hong Kong was were they made the transfer of the documents. He then from there got on to take him to safety. Looking back on it he should have had them wait until he was safe
Yeah, he traveled to Hong Kong first, his passport got cancelled a little over a month later, then he flew to Moscow, intending to stop over there on the way to Ecuador. He wasn't stopped from leaving Hong Kong because of some bureaucratic nonsense, but he couldn't leave Moscow without a passport.
Although there were some claims that his passport wasn't cancelled until he had left Hong Kong for Moscow (i.e. in the air). So, he almost certainly didn't intend to stay in Russia.