Julian (They/Them)

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Julian (They/Them)


They/them. Learning disabled, possibly autistic. Transmasc non-binary, asexual.
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Here's a website that will allow you to look up who your Member of Congress and U.S. Senators are, and what party they belong, and the phone number for their office. If you call after hours, there's usually an option to leave a voicemail. www.congress.gov/members/find...
This is not a spam account, this someone attempting to survive genocide. Stop enabling the Palestinian genocide by marking Palestinian's accounts as spam when they sign up for bluesky to reach out for help.
Bluecky, I'm a real person, not a robot. I'm not sure what I did wrong to get labeled as spam. Could it be because my account is Palestinian? 🍉🇵🇸 #freepalestine#palestine#rafah #ceasefirenow#ceasefire #emergency#gaza#stopgenocide #stopgenocideingaza#Disability#DisabilityPrideMonth#GazaGFM #GazaFunds
if you are in Milwaukee and you are gay and on grindr you have the opportunity to change this country forever
i know grindr has to be going CRAZY in Milwaukee right now
obvious caveat that i believe outing is wrong but considering that any politician attending the RNC is actively working to criminalize the existence of queer people i think it's actually completely fucking fine in that circumstance
The CDC can continue to go fuck itself. Eugenics ass monsters.
Ye gods: “The CDC has controversially decided not to offer at-risk groups bird flu vaccines… the agency is not recommending a vaccine campaign at this point for several reasons, even though millions of doses are available.”
"You're too young to be sick!" >Born VI, with a myriad of health issues because I was 6 weeks or something early >Quad by 6, but could still walk because incomplete spastic quadriplegia >MS at 15 Can someone tell my body that? 😋 I hate this mentality of "You're healthy cause young".
You might also at that point pause to consider when you became such a rude, intrusive ass!
Also, wheelchairs are NOT a negative thing. When someone says “I was fitted for my wheelchair today,” abled friends and family often make sympathetic noises, whereas disabled friends go “WOO HOO!” Because we know that that person has now been enabled to take charge of their mobility- a big deal!
Wheelchair users are not exclusively paralyzed. There isn’t reliable data for it, but many, many of us are ambulatory (can walk sometimes, either for short periods or on good days). When you accuse someone of faking because you saw a leg move, you’re not taking into account a variety of conditions.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
I think a lot about this kid who tried to join the Marine Corps when I worked at the Charlotte MEPS. His recruiter bought him a pair of shoes so he could come take the ASVAB and go through medical. First pair of new shoes he'd ever owned. His ASVAB score was disturbingly low, though.
A man came in with no shoes and was trying to see if we had anything. This girl I was ringing up added a gift card to her purchase and gave it to him 😭😭 He was still a few bucks short, so I covered the rest. He was so grateful and honestly that shit was the most wholesome thing I've seen.
Maybe the shot came from the grassy knoll by a 2nd shooter connected to the CIA and funded George Soros. Don't go down the rabbit hole people.
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
On one hand I do not think COVID is “airborne AIDS.” The vaccine has clearly saved many people’s lives. There aren’t morgue overflow refrigerator trucks in major cities right now. I also think that it is unclear what COVID is going to do to us in the long term, and I really don’t want to FAFO.
He didn't change his mind on Trump; he changed his mind on Hitler.
JD Vance said Trump would be America's Hitler back in 2016. He's obviously changed his mind. I wonder what did it? Was it the storming of the US Capitol to try to stay in power? Was it the detention camps at which children were separated from their parents? Was it his criticism of "globalists?"
I believe victims. I don’t need to hear the other side of the story.
goddamnit just realized that Good Omens is an especially tangled "into the boycott bin" or not decision. but jesus, i could not make it through those transcripts, dude is DEAD to me. for the record.
I had that one stuck in my head for months and had to get it out x3 #fanart #goodomens #crowley #aziraphale #pigeon #snake #myart #goodomensfanart
Jesus christ, Amanda, nevermind
Gaëtan's family has never publicly commented on anything, but have been known to say to friends, "He did everything he could to help the researchers, and this is the thanks he gets." Which is incredibly sad.
So hey, here's a thing I don't think a lot of folks know: That whole "Patient Zero" thing? The French-Canadian airhost who supposedly spread HIV all over America? That's not real. That's not what happened or how it happened.