
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana becomes the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in public school classrooms.
Time for the Satanic Temple to step up and do their thing
The Satanic Temple is actually really bad at "their thing." They lose the majority of their cases and their primary attorney has been repeatedly sanctioned. They're 1A grifters. If you actually care about 1st Amendment protections you should be supporting groups like FFRF or the ACLU instead
The ACLU really sucks too. But then again I'm just about the opposite of a free speech absolutist. I don't care if the Klan has the right to do a damn thing
Yeah I used to be a free speech absolutist, but then I started hearing people like Sargon of Akkad, Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, and Steven Crowder. These are malignant forces on society that are just mouthpieces for the wealthy. Their speech is literal garbage air.
It was Nickleback that did it for me.
this made me laugh so fucking hard. You and I have become blood brothers I think
I took a dive down this comment thread and hit gold. Thanks for the laugh. 😂
To even refer to Carl Benjamin as "Sargon of Akkad" is an insult to the actual Sargon of Akkad... But yeah these guys are scum. I remember when my former friend used to try to push me down the YouTube skeptic rabbithole...and eventually I got sick of his shit.
Oh boy Carl mentioned time for my favorite quote by him
there he is! The guy women want and men want to be....The pinnacle of manliness. The man that has made a career only reading headlines and even then only glancing slightly.
What’s really funny about Carl is that the avatar he’s most known by is a depiction of an unknown Akkadian ruler, not necessarily Sargon himself.
you will immediately lose any respect that I would have had for you if you bring up any argument from them. Generally they just talk about vibes and their whole belief structure that gives them so much smugness is based on the fact that western society colonized everything, especially inventions
Finer words could not have been spoken about those asshole grifters. I spent an entire year debunking their bullshit to my former friend in 2017 and he still ate up the grift. I'd go into more detail about who this guy is, but it is complicated; Lets just say he's one of DeviantArt's most infamous.
I can underdtand why former is required in that statement if they fell down that hole. Is he that long haired vore dude?
True FFRF is key. ACLU is also pretty damn good. I honestly like the flashiness that Satanic Temple uses, but when it comes down to doing the work I trust FFRF.
They're fine for doing the occasional attention grabbing malicious compliance style stunt, but they're terrible at the actual nitty-gritty of winning in court.
exactly. They get eyes on it. You ever watch the friendly athiest? Hemet Mehta?
Follow him on Twitter mainly for the news articles. Never watch anything
Countering 10 Commandments displays is one of their more successful projects.
Statue of Baphomet -
You'll notice that none of the four cited cases involve them winning a suit.
"Winning a suit" is not necessary if they get their statue installed, or if the public attention results in the religious monument being moved.
Getting a republican charged with vandalism is also worth the effort.
I should note that they would not be my first choice to support, or anywhere close, especially since the guy who runs it is an *ss.
And this is broadly my point. The money we have to give to advocacy groups is limited. Stop spending it on the splashy group who manages to get angry news articles printed, give it to the people who can get things done.
Winning a suit is necessary if you plan to overturn a new state law.
The Satanic Temple regularly gets sanctioned in court, because they’re utterly incompetent buffoons. In Belle Plaine for example, the city acquiesced to threats and gave neutral treatment, and ST sued anyway, lost, then tried to sue again and got sanctioned for it.
And what also bugs me is that they go out of their way to set up the grounds for these cases from the bottom up and then still lose them. People like FFRF take actual cases, not manufactured controversies.
Yes. That ACLU. If you're more focused on the establishment and exercise clauses you should donate to FFRF. If you're concerned with First Amendment issues generally you should donate to the ACLU.
Wait, isn't the issue that the "Satanic Temple" is bad at this but the "Church of Satan" is good at it, or am I all mixed up?
Church of Satan doesn't do any freedom of religion advocacy that I'm aware of. Satanic Temple gets their name in the paper a lot, but they're actually pretty bad at carrying through on the hard work and getting laws changed.