
lol “an alliance of Nate Silver centrists and leftists” - I can barely imagine a less competent and trustworthy political grouping than this
So instead you’re joining an alliance of the people who blew the 2016 election and the Heritage Foundation? These are trustworthy and competent people?
So... you want to play right into the Heritage Foundation's plan, that you quoted thinking it was some great point to make?
I think you misread the article. Heritage (and Will) want Biden to be the nominee
I think you misread the entire situation. You're trying to tie Heritage and Will (as well as most of the Democratic Party) together as some sort of willing allies, when they aren't. At the same time, you're pushing to do the thing that plays into the legal challenges Heritage is waiting to advance
Im tying Heritage and Will together because they are both working to keep Biden on the ballot. They share that very real tie. I know you must suffer some cognitive dissonance finding yourself on the same side as Heritage but that’s not my problem
The only one suffering any sort of cognitive issue here is you. This isn't deep strategic thinking. Heritage wants to win. Heritage knows that if they cause chaos (by preventing someone else from getting on the ballot and wasting Democrat resources), they have a better chance of winning
This is basic, elementary level thinking in terms of strategy, and you failed miserably at it. Will wants Biden to win. Heritage wants to ratfuck anyone that could stop Lardass from winning. These are not the same goals, fool.