
lol “an alliance of Nate Silver centrists and leftists” - I can barely imagine a less competent and trustworthy political grouping than this
Who are you gonna listen to? Actual Dem electeds or political mastermind Nate Silver
The guy who got red pilled by having to eat takeout for a month is pretty much off my radar on every topic
So instead you’re joining an alliance of the people who blew the 2016 election and the Heritage Foundation? These are trustworthy and competent people?
So... you want to play right into the Heritage Foundation's plan, that you quoted thinking it was some great point to make?
I think you misread the article. Heritage (and Will) want Biden to be the nominee
I think you misread the entire situation. You're trying to tie Heritage and Will (as well as most of the Democratic Party) together as some sort of willing allies, when they aren't. At the same time, you're pushing to do the thing that plays into the legal challenges Heritage is waiting to advance
Im tying Heritage and Will together because they are both working to keep Biden on the ballot. They share that very real tie. I know you must suffer some cognitive dissonance finding yourself on the same side as Heritage but that’s not my problem
The only one suffering any sort of cognitive issue here is you. This isn't deep strategic thinking. Heritage wants to win. Heritage knows that if they cause chaos (by preventing someone else from getting on the ballot and wasting Democrat resources), they have a better chance of winning
Who won in 2020? Which elections, precisely have leftists and blowhard pundits won?
Things change in four years. Biden is now the least likely Dem to beat Trump. Republicans have won many elections and they want Biden on the ballot.
Democrats have won many elections- more presidential than Republicans in the past 30ish years- and they want Biden. Theres also literally zero actual evidence that Biden is “the least likely” Democrat to win. None.
One strong piece of evidence is that Republicans are willing to sue to keep him on the ballot
Well, that may very well backfire on them.
A. This is the party that chose Trump, twice, even after getting his ass kicked as an incumbent. They don’t actually know what they’re doing.
They're not trying to keep him on the ballot. They're trying to stop Democrats from putting someone on the ballot at all if he bows out, so they can win by default.
“It’s not that they want him on the ballot, it’s that they don’t want him not on the ballot” 🥴
No, it's that they don't want ANYONE on the ballot. 1. Convince Dems to force Biden out 2. Dems pick another nominee 3. Heritage sues to remove nominee from ballots in some states Reading comprehension is essential.
Will is also expending efforts to prevent Democrats from replacing Biden
I don’t understand how any state can block Biden at this point. He isn’t officially the nominee yet. Either way, I don’t trust Heritage at all.
They can't block Biden, but if the nominee changes, well funded legal challenges will spring up (backed by Heritage) saying it's too late to change ballots, or the party already said who the nominee was, and now it's unfair, yadda yadda yadda. Ballots don't get changed, and the election is lost
Wait, which side does he think he's on?
Him, referring to others as hacks? Hmmm…okay, I…hmmm. Well.
Curious how all the usual suspects won't stop usual suspecting.
Man, the projection in that tweet is something to behold
Yeah you’re much better off with liberals and Nate Cohn centrists
Yeah, pretty much- it’s better to go with people who’ve actually gotten elected all over the country vs blowhards and professional poasters
i agree with nate here; many people on the center and left have allied against him
This is why the antidote to people arguing to ignore voters & replace Biden is to ask them who should replace him. The anti-Biden coalition instantly falls apart, just like it did in 2020.
Then explain why they're wrong, not just scolding them for their position. This shouldn't be hard.
Yeah he was in Lis Smith’s pocket in 2019/2020. Hard pass
There are people who don't plug the controller into their game system and just stare into space hitting buttons who don't play themselves as bad as this.