
it’s been a few days now and that “black jobs” thing is still all over my tiktok
i’m talking i’ve seen at least a dozen videos with > 100,000 likes, which means millions of views
between that and "I'm glad we got rid of Roe", if Biden wasn't cartoonishly senile this shit would be a wrap
a) I'm no fan of him but he's not b) a third of the country, with disproportionate political power, honestly wants to trap people in absolute fascism, so no, this would be a tough fight even if we had Obama 2.0
It's genuinely weird to see people in this age of renewed partisanship that largely splits down the middle assert that somehow, magically, this should be easy. No, it's never easy. It's always been a struggle and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to pay better attention to history.