
it’s been a few days now and that “black jobs” thing is still all over my tiktok
i’m talking i’ve seen at least a dozen videos with > 100,000 likes, which means millions of views
between that and "I'm glad we got rid of Roe", if Biden wasn't cartoonishly senile this shit would be a wrap
a) I'm no fan of him but he's not b) a third of the country, with disproportionate political power, honestly wants to trap people in absolute fascism, so no, this would be a tough fight even if we had Obama 2.0
Yup, nothing is ever a wrap thanks to the EC’s red state bias.
Both parties have 15-20 states in the bag regardless of who the nominee is. Days of presidents winning 35-40+ states will probably never happen in my lifetime.
It's genuinely weird to see people in this age of renewed partisanship that largely splits down the middle assert that somehow, magically, this should be easy. No, it's never easy. It's always been a struggle and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to pay better attention to history.
he isn't senile, you're just cartoonishly gullible
Nothing happening here is cartoonish. He is very obviously moderately impaired and that doesn't make me moderately gullible. I've seen him speak since he was the VP and he has clearly declined.
yeah and obama's a mooslim and hilary's campaign slogan is "It's Her Turn." if it's not true why would people keep saying it is?
Those are lies you just listed. I described something I witnessed based on a lot of data. Do you see the difference?
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That's the only thing you got about Joe Biden? Checking notes: Joe Biden is NOT the candidate who's bio includes, "convicted rapist with 34 felonies & a patholigical lying sociopath who traded our most Classified NAT Sec Defense Docs to enemies of the USA. But..but...if only Joe was....wasn't..
I like how you ended your post the same way Joe ended most of his thoughts in the debate.
Everybody wants to talk about debate performance. Can we please talk about presidential performance?
You mean the man with a lifelong speech impediment that you're now trying to attribute to his age?
Sorry, but this is 100% cope
He’s not senile. Anyone over 35 who can walk into a room and immediately remember why can cast the first stone.
The “black jobs” and Roe comments stuck. Tik Tok and Insta are already doing the heavy lifting, but put those lines in TV ads in NC, MI, and PA. Calling Schumer “Palestinian” and the “peakaboo” slur are also bad.
He called Biden Palestinian too!
I had repressed that, apparently.
Meanwhile Google is just rolling with it 💀
Just had a friend who came over and is not into politics AT ALL say “so we stealing all these black jobs or what?”
I saw it hit the front page of Reddit as well, but I have yet to see that story in any of the publications laser-focused on calls for Biden to step down
Why would China push this narrative? (Kidding)
I've curated my TikTok to be as directly apolitical as possible (for sanity) and the Kendrick/Drake Beef to Black Jobs Outrage pipeline is very real
In what context? NB: I'm not American so the concept of "Black jobs" seems (I'll be diplomatic) very odd to me! Does it refer to Black people being supposed (or assumed) to only do certain jobs? If so, 🤮
I do find it's interesting how little the Black base of the democratic party is considered in the elite discussion of Biden dropping
that’s identity politics, you see.
“Why are you talking about all this ‘coalition’ stuff? It’s much easier to just decide for yourself who has ‘electability’ and forcefully argue that any sane person can see all the electability stats as clearly as you can”
All election stats are clearly listed on the wiki with links to the patch notes, how is this even a question?????
Why must we always politicize the *checks notes* us presidential ticket
the implicit (and sometimes explicit) assumption that black voters will simply fall in line behind what white op ed columnists and a few white anonymous party insiders tell them to do is really, really fucking gross, man, and i am seeing it everywhere
Had a guy tell me just like fifteen minutes ago that Harris has no constituency and to the extent she does, all of them would just fall in line behind whomever the convention picked that wasn’t (and shouldn’t be) her.
Say you don't know any PoC without saying you don't know any PoC.
And women. I hear a few being offered the VP slot almost like they know two guys who never actually ran for a National Office might be the best out there.
I garbled that. But the Dem wish casting out there is full of untested saviors.
Multiple times in the last couple weeks I have been explicitly “informed” (heavy air quotes there) that that is indeed how Black voters behaved in 2008, 2012, 2016 (especially), and 2020: they got their marching orders and diligently obeyed.
2008? 2008??? Two thousand and fucking EIGHT??? ??? ??? Reader, I was astonished
Let’s just say that one more than one instance I have been told that Black voters were the impetus behind both Obama’s win and the passing of things like Prop 8 in California.
But have you considered all the white Pod Save bros saying the same exact things as those NYT op ed writers but with a lot more condescending “we’re just concerned about the party!” bullshit??
Sign, tap, you know the drill.
Our pundit class has never fully recovered from the 2020 South Carolina primary, which showed clearly that it's Black church ladies, not failson columnists and podcasters, who wield the power in the Democratic Party.
while not even considering that kamala harris would be his successor
Or, what the guy leading the DNC says about it.
No one in dem politics or the black political community is buying this “Trump will schism the black vote” meme. No one
How did that work out in 2016?