
the fourth estate is fucking kneeling in advance and that is, i think, worth a lot more discourse than whether the only non-fascist in the race is an old man, which he is.
I SAW JOE BIDEN BEING OLD, what a fucking brilliant revelation, did that take you 3 or 5 minutes to come up with? “i would walk through hell to vote for the corpse of joe biden before ever voting for trump” is the base dem voter, maybe at least talk to a couple of them before you fucking kneel
My maximally sympathetic take is that even now, after all evidence to the contrary, most commentators still didn't believe that our county could fall into the abyss, that there was a magic trick to guaranteeing Trump loses. And now that's gone, so they're angry and lashing out.
To be clear, Biden still could win this election, heck he's the incumbent president with a good economy and policy wins, while his opponent is...Trump. But in the story there's not supposed to be a chance he could lose, there's not supposed to be the possibility of a bad ending. And so, they rage.
They've had American exceptionalism drilled into their skulls for since they were children, and by the skin of our teeth until now we've escaped the worst possible ending America is supposed to be different, we're not supposed to be a country where this can happen & this is maximally sympathetic
My cynical take is that print media is dying, and they're trying to get as many clicks on the way down as they can.
Too sympathetic, and 2016 was already that. Trump winning in 2024 would be worse, don't get me wrong. It would be fucking catastrophic. But not taking the lesson from 2016... jfc
My cynical take is that print media is dying, and they're trying to get as many clicks on the way down as they can.
That's not a cynical take. That's just true! The cynical take is that they don't fucking care if Trump wins and maybe even want him to