
They're so worried about how we'd handle UFO disclosure but weekly tell us things like "everyone's already permanently poisoned, also there's Legos in your dick" and expect us to go right back to work
I'm 100% convinced that if we found aliens (and they weren't like, on the white house lawn answering questions), people would stop talking about it in less than a week
What have these aliens done lately for me, the taxpayer?
Unironically yes. Can they help us fix the climate? Cure disease? Provide new energy sources? If not I can't blame people for not caring. People have too much to do and not enough time to do it.
The fact that we need it so badly is the best reason that they wouldn't. As Calvin once said: "The best proof that intelligent aliens live on other planets is that none of them have tried to contact us."
I mean we don't know they haven't; they just haven't landed on the WH lawn in broad daylight. Irrelevant either way I guess.