D Jukic

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D Jukic


Enthusiastic amateur gardener. Dalmatian. Croatian. Pākehā. Tangata Tiriti. Parent. Partner. Baba. Teta. Cis. She/her. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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My friend @mehr.nz and colleagues have a fun new online game that is also part of a public science research study. I suspect more than half of you all can beat my 50th percentile on music. Can more than a sixth of you beat my 86th percentile on color?
check out our newest citizen-science experiment, Tone Guesser! 🎶🧪🧠 this game, led by @courtneybhilton.bsky.social, taps your visual and auditory perception to test your intuitions for how color tones and music tones fit together. can you beat my score? try it at themusiclab.org/quizzes/toneguesser
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Our GBs love receiving the great goodies shared by our supporters to use when baking treats for our recipients 💛 Good Bitch Debra recently baked this delightful bundt cake using Queen's white chocolate paste in the icing! Thanks a bunch, Queen! ⭐️
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He dithers vaguely at home about not making any decisions, too early etc and then tells the US he's keen as. Involving us in a war between the US and China is a terrible idea. Neither of them share our values. www.rnz.co.nz/news/politic...
Luxon's 'radical change in NZ's foreign policy' criticised by Helen Clark and Don Brashwww.rnz.co.nz Former political rivals Helen Clark and Don Brash are warning the PM's statements on China may threaten NZ's independent foreign policy.
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Every policy shld go through a climate lens: what would its impact be on emissions. Labour had started heading in that direction, but hadn't gotten there not fully But if Watts wants to meet targets, he needs to tackle Penk - and especially Simeon Brown.
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So, aside from wanting to enable their friends & donors to make out like bandits before it all comes crashing down, this short-termist profit-extracting approach to climate is signalled by the language of quarterly KPIs, like companies focused on paying dividends instead of investing for the future.
The thing I find most frustrating about lack of commitment on emissions reduction (not offsetting) is that there are so many things we can do *right now* which are effective, cheaper than the high-emissions alternatives, and have additional benefits. The cancelled ferries are a prime example.
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What do if your car dealership is continuously falling short of consumer expectations re fixing issues and communicating in reasonable timeframes? It all eventually gets fixed but my windscreen took 2 months and now there’s another issue that’s going to be even longer cause of incompetence
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We can debate whether Helen Clark needed to issue this statement jointly with Don Brash, but the substance of their statement on Luxon’s reckless statements pivoting foreign policy to the US and NATO and increasing tension with China shouldn’t be ignored. www.helenclarknz.com/my-diary/sta...
Helen Clark's statement on NZ Govt change in foreign policywww.helenclarknz.com Helen Clark's Statement of 16 July 2024 on New Zealand Government jeopardising New Zealand's independent foreign policy and economic security, with major implications for trade, defence deployments,...
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"the way things are framed, and what is presented as ‘fact’, has enormous implications for how we all think about problems and what the needed solutions may be. In this case, if these policy changes go through, people will die who otherwise needn’t have" www.greaterauckland.org.nz/2024/07/17/a...
A blanket of misinformation - Greater Aucklandwww.greaterauckland.org.nz Two old sayings have been on my mind lately. The first is: “The pen is mightier than the sword”, describing the power of language and communication to help or to harm. The other, which captures the sp...
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Just give people money. It’s that simple. Study after study shows a plethora of benefits from just… giving people cash.
Useful things you could offer to a child and their whānau with 100k rent, bills, kai, clothes, pay debts, hauora appointments, therapy, education and work support, some senior social worker time, sport, trip to connect to whānau.
Boot camps could cost $100,000 per teenwww.rnz.co.nz A trial involving 10 boys aged 15-18 starts this month but there has been little detail about what exactly it will look like.
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"Israeli far-right groups accused of attacking aid convoys to the Gaza Strip have raised more than $200,000 on crowdfunding sites from donors in the US and Israel, where the contributions can be deducted from the individuals’ taxes." www.middleeasteye.net/news/israeli...
Far-right groups attacking Gaza aid receive $200,000 from US, Israeli donors: Reportwww.middleeasteye.net Human rights organisations have said groups attacking aid convoys are at times receiving information and support from Israeli government
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Do not obey in advance.
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Like if this threat label is an internal thing- like two people have to mark it as a threat before it gets removed then it should stay internal. Also if an account has previous violations and multiple reports it should not take over an hour for a blatant death threat to be removed
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I am happy that this account got taken down but under no circumstances should a threat just receive a label for any period of time. If I didn’t have 8000+ followers would the label have just sat there?
I am sorry @aaron.bsky.team but how in the world is this acceptable? A literal death threat from someone describing themselves as a skinhead is now just labeled as a “threat” and not taken down? Wtaf??
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Useful things you could offer to a child and their whānau with 100k rent, bills, kai, clothes, pay debts, hauora appointments, therapy, education and work support, some senior social worker time, sport, trip to connect to whānau.
Boot camps could cost $100,000 per teenwww.rnz.co.nz A trial involving 10 boys aged 15-18 starts this month but there has been little detail about what exactly it will look like.
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A prominent National Party figure Siva Kilari, who this month heaped praise on the party’s crime reduction record, once “duped” a couple out of $125,000, court documents obtained by Stuff reveal. www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/3503...
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As a scientist obviously I'm all for research & the potential for new technologies to give us new solutions - *but also* it's increasingly obvious that things like methane vaccines are being used as an excuse to do nothing, now, because something might come down the line. It's been decades.
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The thing I find most frustrating about lack of commitment on emissions reduction (not offsetting) is that there are so many things we can do *right now* which are effective, cheaper than the high-emissions alternatives, and have additional benefits. The cancelled ferries are a prime example.
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“Too few companies pay their workers a living wage, despite mounting evidence that a living wage lifts people out of poverty and strengthens businesses. Consequently, in an age of abundance, inequality is growing for more than 70% of the global population, even in advanced economies.” #LivingWage
Why companies must pay living wages to fully benefit societywww.weforum.org Paying a living wage to all workers is a powerful action businesses, and organizations can take to advance the social justice agenda worldwide.
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Nothing changes. Its always about an unacknowledged power imbalance www.rnz.co.nz/news/nationa... #disability #violence #abuse #ableism
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The transport section includes basically one new policy (electric chargers) and one existing (completing PT projects that are already underway in Akld and Wgtn). It predicts transport emissions may rise by up to 3 Mtonnes by 2030. They could have called it the Emissions Increasing Plan.
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Good summary by Marc Daalder of the draft Emissions Reduction Plan. The plan takes Aotearoa off course from our 2050 net zero target and will not even achieve our emissions reduction budget for 2031-2035. newsroom.co.nz/2024/07/17/n...
NZ no longer on track for net zero under Govt's new climate plannewsroom.co.nz Tree-planting and carbon capture technologies are at the centre of the Government's new climate change plan.