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cognitive scientist at the University of Auckland and the Yale Child Study Center


full-time RA job at Vassar on a project about jsPsych, online experiments, citizen science & gamification, etc pls circulate! (Josh is the supervisor for this one but in practice the RA will work with all of us on the project —,, Josh Hartshorne, me)
look i know democracy is in tatters and politics are depressing as hell but I asked for an absentee ballot and just now voted in the MA primary. didn't even have to do some snail mail song-and-dance, it was all online 🤩
Hanna Schleihauf is out of the office!
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I live in New Zealand, which has much in the way of great produce (but not so much in winter, as the place is v seasonal) So it is with relish that I say, I am currently in Québec, and it's cherry pie season, motherfuckers
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Québec summer lunch. Quiches x2 (lorraine; spinach), corn tomato avo salad. Cherry pie in progress 🍒
I adore verb overgeneralization, it is the trifecta in developmental psych: (a) highly replicable, in that one observes it on a daily basis in kids; (b) scientifically informative; and (c) hilariously cute 6yo, incensed: of course we rode bikes! Why would we have *droven!??!?
I must say it is much more interesting to observe US politics from afar as an expat than as a resident, and much less full of dread (dreadful?)
3yo: dada! I'm a dog sausage!! Me: oh should I put some ketchup and mustard? 3yo, clarifying (whispered): no Dada it's pretend
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I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
One thing about the Discover feed is that it does not yet learn user preferences quickly. Like I've politely downvoted quite a few posts from furries (no judgment but not my thing!) and Discover is like "here how about these other furries"
it's fine if your code is verbose and inelegant, actually
as thumper's mother (a professor) says, "If you can't say something nice about a paper, don't cite it at all"
New Zealand desperate to not be left behind in the 'government stupidity' race to the bottom
You've heard of ChatGPT, what about ChatGOVT? The New Zealand Government could build its own, bespoke AI large language model, Digitising Government Minister Judith Collins told me last week.
Govt could develop its own AI, Collins A bespoke artificial intelligence for government work would help address concerns about privacy and the misuse of sensitive data by tech companies.
long writing day; cleanse
me with the literally hundreds of papers I want to cite in this review, but can't since I'm already 85 refs over the limit
all I can say, as a parent of young children, is that there are way too many sequels
was looking for an old photo and found this instead, helpfully
I am pleased to share that after years of drudgery on this solo review paper, I've a full draft ready I am displeased to share that it is ~double the maximum length of the journal it's going to
come to think of it ⚡️⚡️THUNDERPANTS⚡️⚡️ would be a great brand of kids toilet training gear
3yo is walking around naked asking for her 'thunderpants' in case anybody was wondering
3yo is walking around naked asking for her 'thunderpants' in case anybody was wondering
Loved all the excellent Malaysian food in welly when we lived there, especially Satay Malaysia where the owners still recognize us years after we moved away (Auckland needs to up its game!!)
How Wellington became a cornucopia of Malaysian Our capital is a far cry from hot, bustling Kuala Lumpur, so why is this freezing city full of excellent Malaysian cuisine?
summer decadence (warm shortcakes, fresh vanilla cream, hand picked strawbs) 🍓
update: she still calling them hummus crackers
Child language update: 3yo is under the impression that all foods with a paste-like consistency are 'hummus' She's just had Ritz bits for the first time and describes them as 'tiny yellow hummus sandwiches'
I love how vague early gender conceptions are, like 6yo just played with a new kid at the playground & nobody was clear on gender. "I think he was a girl. I THINK." some folk frown on this kind of ambiguity (often older ppl), rush to correct, etc i'm just like, lol, who cares
Prepping for shortcakes
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Two countries in the world have introduced Road User Charges for EVs, Iceland and New Zealand. In Iceland, EV sales are down 70%; in NZ, down 76%. Iceland EV market share 15% vs 61% for 2023; NZ, 3.5% vs 15% for 2023.