
Advice needed! I've been in the writing business for over a decade, but I've only tabled once. Looks like I might be tabling soon! Does anyone have recommendations for how many books to bring, where to order banners, the best POS system, and anything else a noob might need to know?
Square on your phone but basically anything like Venmo or PayPal works. I would not personally bother with cash unless it’s simple bills. Have a QR code on display for people to scan and get all your links from. Depending on the event size, 20 bucks might be appropriate. Bring bottled water.
I have ordered things from Vistaprint in the past, they have a wide selection, but even FedEx can print off posters that you can put in an acrylic frame to display book images.
That should say 20 BOOKS! Not 20 bucks
Bouncing off this, make sure the flyer on your table has a url/PayPal or venmo name, etc. I work for a software payment processor and there are a lot of people who won't scan a QR code that will go directly to PayPal, etc. I recommend having multiple ways for people to pay.
If you don't have bandwidth to have multiple payment accounts then I'd recommend Square
If you do accept Venmo, you can set up a business profile (it's linked to your main one) so you're not giving out your personal Venmo username.
A stack of books is better than a few books. This helps make them think you have a surplus. For some reason if you only have a short stack of books people feel bad looking at them or buying them. Brains are weird.
I'm not going to buy the last copy of something, what if someone wants to buy it? Seems inconsiderate! (weird brain)
I use Square with the free slider on my phone. Making a Typeform quiz with a QR code helped people pick a book (and it's fun). Focus on books 1-3 for a series. Bring snacks and water (for you). Good luck! 🤞🏼
Avatar has done some recently. They might be able to get you the info you need.
Ha! Disregard. I see that they’ve already responded.
You can message me, I do this all the time! But for reference, I've used VistaPrint for banners, I use Square for sales, # of books is always ??? Depends on crowd size and kind of event. Always have more of book 1 in a series than the rest.
Also with arranging your books, a friend suggested once to think of them almost like panels in a comic & work out how you want to direct the viewer’s eye. Ideally it’s to you. All the best!
When arranging your table, make sure you have display copies that people can manhandle. Arrange your books so that the things you want to sell more are closer to you (presuming you are standing behind the middle of your table).
The number of books to bring depends on the length of your event & how many you think you can move. Also, the priority of your titles: bring more of the recent stuff, less of the older stuff. Maybe more of the more popular stuff.
Have something you can give to people that will point them to your website or a free chapter of your book etc. This is especially useful for the people who browse but don’t end up buying something.
Bring an anti-fatigue mat to stand on if it's going to be a long day. Standing to engage with ppl is best & your body will thank you. Square is great. More books is better than less even if it's a PITA to haul the unsold ones home again. A fun free thing like candy or stickers is a great draw
Also have some way to get some height to your display. Stacking books or using shelves is a good way to draw the eye. Having biz cards on hand is good. I also have a QR code sheet of my ebook buy links
cooler w/wheels, foldable handcart, first aid kit (also I scour clearance sales for decorations/swag/raffle items that match theme or venue) Extension cord, phone charger; paint, scotch & duck tape, scissors/utility knife. Colored paper/sticky's/pens to modify signage. Blanket. Good luck & enjoy!!
Sorry, thought of one more thing! I am not actually sure if this has helped me sell books, but I made trope posters for my titles in A3/A4/A5 (different sizes for different events) that I use to help people know what my books are like.
Order a banner and/or postcards etc from your local print shop; online ones are NOT dependable or on time IMHO. Square for POS as it's easy to use & can be done on your phone if needed. Tailor books to the event's theme, bring more of the ones that tie in best to it. ENGAGE anyone passing by!
I know it's hard (introvert and misanthrope here) but I've sold far more books simply by talking to everyone who comes by. Compliment a cool shirt. Ask who their fave authors are or what genres/subgenres they like. Encourage them to sample a few pages. Engaging people does sell more books.