W. L. Bolm

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W. L. Bolm


Member of the SFWA and Codex Writers, open source advocate, product manager, teacher, they/them
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We understand this correct? Project 2025 is not fringe on the right. It's just that everyone in the center and on the left doesn't pay attention to evangelicals cause y'all think they're funny and weird instead of wildly fucking dangerous. Project 2025 is dead serious and extremely popular.
Project 2025 is a creation of Evangelicals and it's the core mission of the evangelical right. It's what major evangelical organizations have been building towards for decades. It's not fringe. (I just fact checked a whole book a out this.)
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I think we spent way too much time at the synagogue today trying to decide if we should keep the cinnamon cranberry chevre with the best by date in May
Shotzie is currently sitting on top of me and quietly crying because I closed up the bag of popcorn I was eating while I was reading and she misses that popcorn more than anything else in the world. Also I'm starving her.
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Because I got a few new followers recently: A project I’m especially proud of is a weird little mostly one-person horror drama podcast called GONE It’s about a mentally ill woman who wakes up one morning to discover that everyone in the world seems to have vanished sunnymoraine.com/gone/
Gonesunnymoraine.com There’s no way to plan for being alone. There’s no way to plan for what comes next. This is a story about what happens when the world goes dark, and everyone else is gone. Gone is a serial horror fict...
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By the way, if you loved the giant cyborg owl in the first book? I’m taking things to the next level in these two books.
And here is my official deal report for my sequel and prequel to my Nebula & BSFA finalist book, THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN! THE SECRET OF THE SAPPHIRE SENTINEL - Autumn 2025 THE DAWN OF DUSK AND TWILIGHT -Autumn 2026 Welcome to the future, and how it all came to be! #books #fantasy #scifi
Tfw you're annoyed because you can't find your headlamp to write outside. You mean I have to write at the table like a commoner?
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If you tried to read Dante's The Inferno and found it difficult, just imagine trying to explain Kendrick Lamar's "Not Like Us" to someone 700 years from now because it's mostly just that
Also cheated on my dogs while I was in Madison
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Survivors in relationships w/ other survivors need to make the deal, w/ ourselves & each other: "I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me." Working our recovery is an overwhelmingly loving thing we can do for the people & pets we love.
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I’m teaching the online workshop "Writing Tips and Strategies for Neurodiverse Writers" on July 20 through @apexmag.bsky.social's Reach Your Apex series. I'll share all the tips and strategies that help me as a neurodiverse author. Register today! reachyourapex.com/product/writ...
Cheating on my cats in Madison
I'm not going to say that Arley is always right, but he has given me really good advice that boosted my career, so...
Writers! It's the weekend... or almost! Quick reminder: Rejection - DOES NOT MEAN - you are a bad writer! Whether from an agent or a mag editor or someone else. Keep pushing. Make each piece better than the last. Stay in this! ❤️‍🔥YOU GOT THIS!❤️‍🔥
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My story "A Record of Lost Time", translated by @rfkuang.bsky.social , is included in We're Here: The Year's Best Queer Speculative Fiction 2023/edited by Darcie Little Badger&Charles Payseur @neonhemlock . Full TOC: www.neonhemlock.com/news/cover-r... Preorder: www.kickstarter.com/projects/dav...
One of my most unfavorite chores as a homeowner is investigating mystery puddles on the floor. Is it a ceiling leak? Is it pee? Did the cats knock something over? There are no happy endings.
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Me to Shotzie: I'm not saying I'm "a dragon." I'm saying I'm "dragging."
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I’m only at CONvergence for one room party this year, but you can see my face on the wall all weekend! Hope these hit the right audience 🤞🤞
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I recently had a new collection! A lot of queer/trans/intersex stories, also people turning into plants and the rental that drinks blood. Amazon: amzn.to/4bqelxq Bookshop dot org: bookshop.org/a/14302/9781... (associate links)
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THE MARTIAN, except Matt Damon plays some junior tech bro using a Martian WeWork space who gets left on Mars when his Orbital Cybertruck takes off without him, and he can’t grow potatoes because he doesn’t know how to do anything except AI prompts; he dies rage-tweeting into the blackness of space
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Supreme bedhead + telling wishes to my cat in case he can grant them
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Alternatively make friends with a criminal defense lawyer who does 1st amendment cases. I miss @gregdoucette.bsky.social so much. But yes before you go to ANY protest, know 1) who will show up with cash to bail you out and 2) who your lawyer is
If you are going to be protesting anywhere near the Republican National Convention, write the NLG number on your stomach in Sharpie (not your arm: cops use that as "evidence of premeditation"). They are fucking superheroes. Give them money to keep being superheroes: www.nlg.org/donate/
Donate - National Lawyers Guildwww.nlg.org
Why can't local coffee shops put up info on whether or not they'll be closed on holidays? Isn't that why they have websites and social media?
I've been thinking about this a lot lately both as a writer not trusting services like Google Docs to continue to host the kind of art I'm making and as a consumer who has watched queer media disappear from streaming services.
ICMYI I wrote about the importance of being a citizen archivist. We've seen so much incredible art and writing from marginalized people, and we need to preserve it in the face of a huge, well-funded backlash. This is something concrete you personally can do! buttondown.email/charliejane/...
We Should All Be Archivistsbuttondown.email Lately, I keep obsessing about two seemingly opposing but interrelated trends: 1) The past decade has seen an incredible bounty of art and self-expression...
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That's my point here. Do what YOU can. Other people do what they can. Everyone cleans up their tiny corner. Everyone pulls the tiny lever they can pull. We all do this. Don't you see? That's the *point*. We all have to do what small things we can. Do not despair. Do not, I beg of you, despair.
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I used to tell my kids when they were younger, "you can't make it better, but you can definitely make it worse." No, you cannot make this better. The time for those choices is past. But what you choose now CAN make it worse. You can always lose more. What will you choose? What are you gonna DO?
The local queer feminist bookstore just sent me an email that my copy of Bury Your Gays is in ^.^