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pronounced eye-luh. queens, ny. trans.
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when I breathe too many bleach fumes cleaning the bathroom and look at Dart
getting to the cool secret part of Elden Ring because all of the messages players have left just say “hot dog and a beer”
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dart is loving new boots day
garnering a tasteful amount of BO so that my gf can really enjoy the rest of the day when I pick her up
hold the fuck up: Amira Care covers body contouring!? I could get a dang bbl too?!
need advice on finding a boob surgeon.
need advice on finding a boob surgeon.
I would like a hair cut, but I don’t want to spend over one hundred dollars. well, guess this shits just gonna grow forever
can’t wait to get home and get Eric Adams level of stoned. just gotta be careful I don’t get Kamala Harris levels of stoned, that’s just too much.
what happened to men, none of them are buying a dodge viper and getting tribal armband tattoos. when did men stop wanting to be bill goldberg.
I’ll enjoy the latest pop artist release as god intended: when it’s playing on the CVS speakers when I am trying to break into their pharmacy
asked to leave the doctor’s office because I asked if they make the cameras kiss inside of you when you get an endoscopy and a colonoscopy on the same day
having a cat who is big and heavy: amazing, perfect, no notes trying to put that cat on a diet: something is crushing my internal organs and yelling at 1am
these are reporters, not celebrities. part of being a reporter is that you are a grubby worm wriggling through the dirt going from one pile of decomposing flesh to the next. once bernie lost twice, the big bloated corpse of the left was hollowed out just as the corpse of the alt-right bloated
Ken Klippenstein is streaming with George Galloway. The Young Turks are hosting RFK Jr. One ex bernie spokesperson is streaming with candace owens and another is defending Nick Fuentes. Brianna Wu is hanging with lauren southern. Maybe now is the time to re-evaluate how the left chooses celebrities.
an entire set of dumbbells and barbells and a squat rack would fix me
there are no more swimsuit issues of magazines anymore. all of the swimsuit models are too busy making free videos whispering "i love you" with their titties oiled up, because of woke
[seeing a girl with breathtaking eyeliner patterns that stretch from her lids to her lower cheeks] damn i bet she paints minifigures so fucking good
i think they should have fire works every day. just big building shuddering explosions at all time. i never want to see another star in the sky unless its made of the green flame of barium chloride and the blood of a three fingered hand
game of thrones youtube content is either a video thumbnailed with the little guy projectile vomitting titled "season 5 was the real downfall" or a short by a british guy who details every time someone fucked a dog in the original text
we gotta stop letting british guys think they can have sex
practicing cis-hetero lifestyle today [going to target]
its so funny how you can be immune to any critique or accusation if you write a comic that's a lil' fruity with it.
breathing a little easier knowing that no one is going to recommend me sandman ever again, and if they ever do I can label them as ontologically evil for attempting it.
"in my ooze era. i'm slimed up, I'm gunk-maxxing," i say as i get back into the habit of slathering my face in aquaphor morning and night
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One Primus song on the party playlist: funny Six Primus songs on the party playlist: concerning 30 Primus songs on the party playlist: funny again
dart is loving new boots day
cute belt. just one question: can it hold a Gun?
my girl? Thick. My cat? Chunked up. My wallet? The Ridgewallet Twink-Coded Thin Bitch
Biden got dog walked? Truly the puppy girl leader we never asked for.
Margs? Achieved. Electronic music? A bunch of cis boys playing video game loading screens for a dance floor full of dudes standing in place. Oof.
television debate? no thank you, i need to have frozen margs and listen to electronic music tonight
television debate? no thank you, i need to have frozen margs and listen to electronic music tonight