Dennis Farrell

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Dennis Farrell

Something Awful writer from 2003-2020. Developing a narrative comedy video game called Harm Other.
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living in this country is like being awake on the table
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Do you use Firefox? In the new Firefox 128 there's a box, *on by default*, for a feature that collects info about the ads you've seen as you browse and sends it directly to the ad companies. (Chrome has this too, but doesn't enable it without a disclosure/consent box.) I recommend you turn it off:
Rad! I've actually been thinking about bugging Evan to ask if a Beasts of Burden omnibus was in the works, since I love the Hellboy + BPRD collections in this format
Very glad that this has been announced: All the BEASTS OF BURDEN stories done so far are being collected in a nearly 600 page omnibus edition from in Feb 2025. Spread the word!
Exclusive: Dark Horse announces BEASTS OF BURDEN OMNIBUS The Beasts of Burden Omnibus edition will collect the entire Eisner Award-winning series (so far). Here are the details.
Gave myself $20 to go hog wild in the Steam sale and managed to get 11 Deck-friendly games
Welp, I'm getting Magic cards for the first time in ten years. The new set theme is small animal fantasy world adventures, featuring art by Mouse Guard creator David Petersen
Headline writer impatiently waiting for the new PM to visit America so they can run Keir Starms The Capitol
gotcha journalism strikes again
The PS2 game Bad Boys: Miami Takedown taught me everything I know about taking cover. It worked a treat. I couldn't be happier. My whole left leg is atomized
Professor X vs Denis Leary (1993)
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How I introduce myself in an icebreaker session
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Critical praise is still rolling in for my show MY BROTHER, THE CAR, at the Los Angeles LGBT Center! Still time left to see the show this Sunday, June 30th at 9 PM! Ring out Pride month with the coolest show in town. Tickets available at the door, or here:
My main takeaway from last night is that In A Violent Nature was released on streaming and I am going to watch the heck out of that
lol at these examples of GOOD ways to sit on a $1000 chair
There's a wonderful spy-themed strategy video game called "Invisible, Inc." and you would not believe how many years it took me to realize the title was a pun
Elden Ring was so dense at launch that I either need a mind wipe or a few more years to recuperate before checking out the DLC. Have fun out there
When I feel weird about people staring at phones in public I remind myself that I used to read entire comic books while walking on autopilot behind my family
Want to feel old? The "Mad World" trailer for the first Gears of War from 2006 is now older than Madworld, the ultraviolent black+white+red Wii game released in 2009
When life gives you a tv mounted above the candle fireplace, make ladderade
Buying a 4K tv ten years ago and thinking, "I can't wait to watch channels continue broadcasting in 720p/1080i for a decade, compressed to shit like every overpriced streaming service"
Somehow I never thought the Game Boy Advance's dim screen was a flaw, even though I had to use it directly under a lamp. I was like, "This thing I play 1 nanometer under lamps is great"
Microsoft can only regain my trust by adding these lyrics to the Windows startup chime
I had no idea Delphine (Out Of This World + Flashback) made a point and click murder mystery
the penultimate panel from The Death Of Spider-Man
Lifelong US Supreme Court seats sort of made sense back when they were instituted because people only lived to the age of 20. Ceilings were also 5 feet 2 inches high, and the top song in the country was Racism Melody
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Childhood pictures of Miyamoto and his design for an elephant-shaped clothes hanger for kids, from the December 31, 1993 issue of Famitsu:
your friendly neighborhood creep
"One man's crash is another man's pleasure" David Cronenberg please put this on all future releases of the film thank you
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I’ve always approached my writing (etc) on video game history as tracing the steps that led us to where we are now. These days it kinda feels like I’m creating heartwarming documentaries on the childhood of a serial murderer