
Remember when a group of crypto bros bought a copy of 'Jodorowsky's Dune' for $3 million (around 100x more than it was worth) thinking they could turn it into NFTs and an animated series because they didn't understand what copyright is?
The Saga of the 'Dune' Crypto Bros And Their Very Pricey Mistake Is At Its In a dismal crypto climate, the group is looking to sell its 'Dune' bible and cash out its treasury. “Really wish this worked out better," the group co-founder said.
Interesting that the head of Microsoft AI doesn't understand what copyright is either. Tech bros as a group seem singularly stuck in the "mine!" stage of child development.
Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open That is not how fair use works.
Oh good grief he thinks "social contract" is an actual contract
This is the whining I hear from every YouTuber who monetizes clips of my cat. They're always so shocked when the strikes get upheld.
There's youtubersxmaking money off... your cat? What what
Yep. They put random stuff online, puff up their followers with bots, and rake in ad revenue from YT. I made one such guy *very* upset when I reported him for stealing one of my reddit posts, had it read out by an AI voice, and slapped the demo mode of Mario Kart in the background.
Oh god, those fucking AI Reddit posts over video games drive me nuts. Most of those aggregators go to Reddit for content, & my cat has his own subreddit. So his videos get appropriated a LOT. The way Redditors swoop in when they see it is so sweet.
The hilarious part is that his YT post right before the one where he swiped my content was him complaining about getting a copyright violation strike from YT... Some people... sigh.
Someone re-edited the video I just linked to, added a few more clips of Harpo with his sea monster, removed my voice, re-told the heartwarming story with an AI voice, & got 10 million monetized views. I have not yet reached the 4000 watch hours threshold for monetization.
There's groups that scrape content others have uploaded, and then repost it on their own account as "new" content, then use SEO to get their version to the top of the algorithm/search engine so they can rake in money from the views.
I had axwikia I contributed to extensively scraped and listed on Amazon as a printed book; don't know if it's still there, but is that actionable?
Wikis are generally CC-BY-SA, meaning they're under a copyright license that allows anyone to reuse & resell the content. Can't do anything about that.
I suspected not, but I was mightily offended. Side note: Avoid *
There was a big TikTok last week with a fake story about how a girl lost her job & was getting desperate, & her cat started bringing her food. It was stitched together from five different cats, including my cat Harpo, who retrieves things I put out for him.