Devil Hunter Jax

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Devil Hunter Jax

29 | They/Them | Bisexual | Non-Binary | Demiromantic/Demisexual | Poly | Furry

Minors DNI/DNF


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reminder that this website does not have an algorithm so if everything on your homepage sucks or you think this website is “dead” it is quite literally a skill issue. follow more & better people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Whoa, ok, BlueSky notifications glitched out there for a moment o.O Didn't expect that but alright then...
Sunny Breeze ☀️🌻 DM me to claim! I really need to buy cat food!! So any interactions are super helpful!! #furryart #art #furryych #ych
Apparently a registered Republican was the shooter? This is just showing how fucking violent they'll get. Get out there and vote when the time comes people! If you need to, arm yourself as well. These people are fucking dangerous and you have every right to protect yourself and your family too.
That skullfucking dipshit that tried to assassinate Trump has likely just made things even worse... Fucking hell. For the love of god America, do not let that fucker win. Biden fucking sucks but Trump would destroy your entire damn country!
That skullfucking dipshit that tried to assassinate Trump has likely just made things even worse... Fucking hell. For the love of god America, do not let that fucker win. Biden fucking sucks but Trump would destroy your entire damn country!
I don't like to make a big deal of my birthday but it's always nice to just spend the evening playing FFXIV with my partner. Still... I'm 29 now... Fuck...
I’ve seen and blocked five generative ai image accounts today that are posing as actual digital artists- please keep an eye out for these and avoid interacting with their posts don’t reply to them or quote their posts: just block them
Oh hey, RWBY found a new home. Now... Please let Viz Media not be a toxic shithole. RWBY deserves a good home away from Rooster Teeth and hopefully this will lead to a lot of the crew coming back to work on the show again.
On a lighter gaming note, I finished Hi-Fi Rush last night. This game is fucking GLORIOUS! It's a straight-up 10/10 feel-good game with amazing gameplay, a great story that isn't over the top complicated, fantastic characters and an absolute passion project. I hope the devs can land on their feet.
First level finished, first boss down and this game is a fucking BLAST! For real, if y'all haven't gotten it yet, GO GRAB IT! It fucking sucks that Tango Gameworks was shut down but they deserve all the love they can get anyway because this is a truly phenomenal game.
Yeah, no, fuck that Dead Rising Remaster/Remake. Turns out Capcom completely ignored TJ Rotolo and didn't even attempt to contact him about reprising his role as Frank West. Combine that with the scummy microtransactions already there like a bunch of costumes including OG Frank? Get. Fucked. Capcom.
Pride BEGAN during a time of anti-sodomy laws. The first Pride was a riot against those laws. Pride is celebrated around the world in places where it is much more dangerous to be queer than here. Pride is not dependent on being ALLOWED to be who we are, it’s a promise that we WILL be no matter what
I hope we all enjoyed our last Pride month in the US. Project 2025 will put an end to it
First level finished, first boss down and this game is a fucking BLAST! For real, if y'all haven't gotten it yet, GO GRAB IT! It fucking sucks that Tango Gameworks was shut down but they deserve all the love they can get anyway because this is a truly phenomenal game.
Ok, between Robbie Daymond voicing Chai, the solid optimisation and just smooth gameplay? I got a real good feeling this is gonna be the third game I'll give a 10/10 to. Unless something goes VERY wrong, it's gonna be up there with DMC 5 and Horizon: Zero Dawn for my favourite games.
Ok, between Robbie Daymond voicing Chai, the solid optimisation and just smooth gameplay? I got a real good feeling this is gonna be the third game I'll give a 10/10 to. Unless something goes VERY wrong, it's gonna be up there with DMC 5 and Horizon: Zero Dawn for my favourite games.
Alright, Hi-Fi Rush was on sale. Time to see what this game is all about 👀
Alright, Hi-Fi Rush was on sale. Time to see what this game is all about 👀
Watching people playing Shadow of the Erdtree? Yeah, I'm glad I didn't get it. This DLC just looks obnoxiously difficult and not worth the price. Fucking christ. They basically took the awful late game and said 'Here, have more of this bullshit but you gotta pay £30 for it' Fuck off.
Why does hayfever have to be a thing? Just... Why? I fucking hate this shit 😑
Yeah, ok, Shadowbringers is off to a REALLY strong start. Holy fucking shit... This is just getting right to it and I'm loving it so far and we've only finished up to The Holminster Switch as well. If that's how it starts, I cannot wait to see what else happens.
I feel like we're gonna end up seeing people say 'Oh but BlueSky hides likes too!' and all I can say to that is that BlueSky hasn't become a shithole giving a platform to far-right grifters and dangerous individuals. We all know that's why the likes are being hidden over on Twitter.
Ok... So, a new Gears of War game (fuck you for that Mad World moment) and a new Life Is Strange game? I can get behind those. Life Is Strange is gonna be an instant buy for sure but Gears E-Day, I'll probably hold off and see what people say...
Ya know what? Fuck it, this is his look now 🍉
This Monday I got told wearing my scarf made 1 or 2 people 'feel unsafe' at work. These people conflate being Ar@b with being extrem!st. I have not stopped wearing it. I will not hide who I am, nor my P@l-stinian roots. (Info on the scarf and watermelon on my twitter
What better way to celebrate Pride Month than with a wonderful partner? Never let anyone dictate who you should be and be proud of who you are! Always remember that bisexuality includes everyone as well, not just men and women! 🎨: iXNicholasXi on Twitter
It's done! I finally committed to playing Stardew Valley all the way through and finally finished the 'story' and reached True Perfection and it made me tear up 😭 I'll always love this game. So good and worth every second of time I played of it.
Me and just finished 4.4's MSQ in FFXIV and... WHAT THE FUCK?! THEY JUST DROP ALL THAT ON US?! If they're doing THAT, I'm VERY interested to see what happens in Shadowbringers now.
happy pride and remember: how queer a person does or does not appear is 🌈 never any of your business 🌈
Draw the Ship
Furries who want to roleplay as Cops should have bricks thrown at them for the full experience