
I think it’s kind of sad that a lot of the times I get the most engagements are when I post real bitchy instead of when I post something positive. It kind of makes me feel like people don’t like the nice version of me as much as the bitchy one.
Sadly just the nature of social media: bitchiness drives more engagement, pettiness begets more commenters. Positivity doesn't get as much heat behind the wheel. But I always like seeing on my timeline, whatever version you are.
I dunno what The Public wants, but I like positive Mattie just fine. I've been meaning to ask if you've read Lisa Mantchev's "Ticker." It's got a striking cover, and I know you've said you like mechanical girl fiction. So I wondered if you had an opinion of this one.
I haven’t read it but it looks like something I might potentially enjoy depending on how it treats the steampunk elements—that’s a real love or hate subgenre for me
It's all in the execution, for sure. Well, if I end up reading ot before you, I'll let you know.
I like you either way.
Same. I hate that people comment the most on negativity.
Yeah like I don’t want to be toxically good vibes only but god it gets so exhausting to be Mad all the time even if I’m kind of funny when I’m mad. I like being positive a lot more and I like the more positive version of me a lot more.