Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™

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Beatrice Blackburn, Writer of Emotional Violence™

Writer of (Unwritten) Stories
Reader of (Unread) Books
Ruiner of (Unruined) Characters
Bee | 28 | They/She | Chinese-Canadian
The seven survivors of 's Cuckoo. Going left to right from the top: Shelby, Mal, Lara, Nadine, John, Jo, and Felix.
I don’t love begging, but I’ve just found out that the invoice I was relying on to make rent is gonna be delayed and I’m freaking out a bit. I would have to take 25 commissions within a week to be able to pay it, which doesn’t feel close to possible
without downloading new pics, what is it like dating you
without downloading new pics, what is it like dating you
Today has reminded me how much my take on dragons is that they should be terrifying and wondrous, both at once; and if the dragon is sentient, but not sapient, you MIGHT be able to skirt most of the ethics and fucked-upness of the dragonrider trope, but not if both are sapient. Confront it.
I have managed to pass along the Jirel of Joiry brain worms to another, who said that BLACK GOD'S KISS was excellent and Jirel is a great character from the get-go. If you love pulp or sword-and-sorcery stories with an emotionally vicious and challenging prose, read C.L. Moore's Jirel of Joiry.
I have managed to pass along the Jirel of Joiry brain worms to another, who said that BLACK GOD'S KISS was excellent and Jirel is a great character from the get-go. If you love pulp or sword-and-sorcery stories with an emotionally vicious and challenging prose, read C.L. Moore's Jirel of Joiry.
Sometimes, you end up in a sea of depression over your publishing prospects, and someone lifts your spirits a little in the most out of left field manner possible. I unironically love this. "Trans dragon vore story" will fill my brain while bedridden all day. 😊
PIG is one of my favorite films, enough that I even wrote about it elsewhere. Not that I wouldn't have found out that Cage has genuine acting chops elsewhere, but it was the best gateway to good Cage acting AND a heartbreaker of a film by itself. 🐖 😭
without saying the croods, fav nicolas cage film?
The towers of trans queer fiction's duality from and Truly, we feast on generous servings for Pride Month. 👾 🌃 🏳️‍🌈 🍳 🐣 (Honestly, didn't expect CUCKOO so early by today, anticipated more on Monday, but I'm not complaining.)
The best things are worth the wait, and proves that time and time again, with fleshing out such a sharp improvement after last year's Pride avatar!! They're nonbinary, so following and commissioning them is queer praxis. 😌 Feed them time and money for a quality FEAST!! 👏
Pride icon for an old friend of mine! I love working with you as always, especially on a livestream. Have a great month and keep writing!
Unironically believe in building up fundamental skills in your toolbox, in terms of not just intimacy, but also body language, emotions, and appreciating physicalities in filthier, less clean situations, behind closed doors, through writing explicit sex scenes. Silence the prude in your head.
Thrilled to take a crack at my first wraparound cover, done for's "dark Dinotopia" novella WYRM. I digitally laid out a medieval tapestry of a battle of men but realized getting the right amount of detail vs my preferred level of "finish" would need an increase in scale
Hm! GOLDEN FOOL or FOOL'S ASSASSIN by Robin Hobb. Anyone trying to work on slice-of-life fantasy has to read them, because Hobb is so incisive at depicting these intimate, tender interpersonal relationships where a hundred unspoken things lie between people... and how those can hurt each other.
What book have you reread a (metaphorical) million times? That one you reach for cos you had a bad day, or because you just want to read a beloved chapter, or because nothing else is vibing atm. Doesn't have to be your favourite, or book you think is the best, but that comfort read.
My dark fantasy trilogy WIP, THEY WHO BECOME DRAGONS, has been collecting dust lately, but I've been spending years on it, in creative harvest and drought, and wouldn't trade it away for any shortcut because I don't think any "A.I." regurgitator could write any of these, as lacking as they are.
mentions are full of the most insufferable AIbros today so i’m asking you to quote this with something you’ve drawn or written with your hands and brain, even if, ESPECIALLY if, you don’t think you’re the creative type go make something
Oof. Today was arguably an objectively rash and misguided idea that should've been thought through better (thank you, last-minute change of course and one hour of sleep)... but I got to thumb through AMAZING art, meet some wonderful and friendly people, and come home with an amazing VanCAF haul. 🥺
Both, but tricky? I've experimented with crossdressing for years and repression could only deny the purely rational for so long, but committing came after a point when vicious familial transphobia didn't outweigh the sheer euphoria and joy I got from it. Living half-deadened didn't seem reasonable.
This is a question/concept that I would like any #trans people to answer/comment on: Do you see your decision to crack your egg as a rational decision or an emotional one. I will go 1st: I saw it at the time as an emotional one, but realize it was a rational one. Pls reskeet for exposure.
My brain's been occupied by the ACE ATTORNEY games lately (they're entertaining, I enjoy their twists and turns, and have a few genuine gems of writing) and they've preoccupied my sad brain, but I did legit want to talk about one standout favorite character from THE GREAT ACE ATTORNEY CHRONICLES:
Mattie is effectively the author who gave me the confidence to keep writing (even to the point of submitting something "professional" years later), so what was done to her stands out as a stark cruelty. Cutting down a budding author's confidence and monopolizing off her pain? Utterly vile shit.
I hadn’t planned on speaking out about my experience with Zach Rosenberg, but after his non-apology, I feel like I would be remiss. If even one person is warned away from this man, it would be worth it to me. Hey, hi, I’m the “unnamed coauthor” from the original callout thread.
Tiernan is real cool and NEAT. He has lovely fits, he's a cat person, he does sick-ass queer TTRPG stuff, and he writes, he writes real good to boot! ✒️ Check out his writing, and then pre-order his writing when it comes. Multiple copies, even. ❤️ 🎉 📚
Hi! I'm Tiernan, transmasc non-binary. He/They/Xe. I'm a writer and poet, and a very good cook.
When I was 15-16, I bought myself femme clothes and tried them on in the utmost privacy and thought, oh, it's just one time, I'm sure I'm JUST curious/a crossdresser from time to time. I couldn't let myself actively consider it until I was 20-21. I couldn't move towards HRT until 25.
Happy #transdayofvisibility ! I go by Sapro online and I like to art. I’m trans masc / non-binary. I’m usually very private and reclusive, but — sending my love to ya all 🤍 #TDOV
Please celebrate Trans Day of Visibility responsibly by making this trans as visible as possible. I do art full time and am trying to rebuild my audience after getting off Mr. Musk's Wild Ride.
... Do people not memorize roughly the sentence/exactly the page where they left off? 😮
Bookmarking Alignment. You know who you are. #books #writing
bluesky's open, quote one art to promote yourself 🍒
bluesky's open, quote one art to promote yourself
bluesky's open, quote one art to promote yourself
bluesky's open, quote one art to promote yourself