Mattie Lewis

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Mattie Lewis

Folklore & folk horror enthusiast.

I feel the same way about a lot of fantasy movies and shows, especially the ones with a lot of flashy magic and mythical creatures that can’t really be portrayed with practical effects.
My hot take is that both the MCU and DCEU should've been animated from the start, with most of the same cast just doing the voices.
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Hi everyone, my short story about a devil who encounters a man who, in exchange for his soul, wishes to fuck his wish is now free for all to read
Of a Devil, of a Deal | June Get more from June Martin on Patreon
A true confession: the primary reason for most of the darkness in my stories is because I want the real tender stuff to hit harder.
lol some dork ass on Reddit is like "why are writers obsessed with traumatizing their characters?" Among smarter reasons, it's also because if nobody is traumatized then I don't get my sweet, sweet hurt/comfort fix.
lol some dork ass on Reddit is like "why are writers obsessed with traumatizing their characters?" Among smarter reasons, it's also because if nobody is traumatized then I don't get my sweet, sweet hurt/comfort fix.
Writing an intro for my character for our next campaign (a Satanic witch who posed as a nun to cause mischief in the church but got caught) and I've been really self-indulgent and decided that her parents are gonna be the MCs of my romance novel with tweaks made so they fit the setting.
Whenever I see a Goodreads user whose reviews are mostly 3 stars or lower, I assume they’re really bad at book selection. I feel like solid 80-90% of books I read are good, great, or at the very least fun and it’s because I am good at sniffing out books I’d like and know who to take recs from
I’m listening to Fire and Blood and I think it whips ass that GRRM was just like “need some names for some Tullys, fuck it we’re going with Sesame Street characters”
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It's weird to see people saying "Oh, I knew HE was an abuser for years" in a bragging tone. Like wow yeah man, you had the dirt, kinda wish you had told more people about it tbh.
Personally I think it’s my god-given right as an American to not give a shit about proper address for English political figures 🦅 🇺🇸 🎇
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Prediction: in a month, Kendrick Lamar will announce that Not Like Us: The Movie is now in production and is set to open on Millie Bobby Brown's birthday
The great thing about House of the Dragon is there are so many characters I want to see get owned and I know that they’re probably all going to get owned. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wow, Veronica Franz and Severin Fiala really just said “you know what? Hagazussa wasn’t bleak enough, didn’t rend souls quite as much as it could have” with this film
Started watching The Devil’s Bath but have to take a break for a dance class. Probably for the best, this movie is grueling holy shit
I haven’t been on a podcast for a while and kind of miss it ngl
Started watching The Devil’s Bath but have to take a break for a dance class. Probably for the best, this movie is grueling holy shit
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Writing is funny, because you can dedicate yourself to an idea and have it land to complete indifference and then tweet something like "You just know Ms. Frizzle FUCKS" and have a million people see it. You make the same amount of money off it, too.
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Does anyone have any good recommendations for literary criticism pieces that take work people would be inclined to dismiss without a thought and tease out what’s actually cool, good, or interesting about it?
Gotta say, I think my writing improved a lot when I finally stopped caring about whether I could get it published or not. Certainly my pleasure in writing grew, if nothing else, and I count that as a win.
Pleased to report I’m finally getting to a point with my mandolin practice where I can sing and strum chords simultaneously for some songs without it short-circuiting my brain
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"Turning and turning in the widening gyre / The falcon cannot hear the falconer" The falcon: "Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing."
I think it’s kind of sad that a lot of the times I get the most engagements are when I post real bitchy instead of when I post something positive. It kind of makes me feel like people don’t like the nice version of me as much as the bitchy one.
I am gagging for a music video for “Otaku Hot Girl.” Really been digging all of Megan Thee Stallion’s new album, but that one is the real highlight for me
Anyone I follow who posts about things other than politics is my hero. I’m about to go full “mute everyone who mentions this bullshit” negl
We went to Meow Wolf in Denver yesterday. Would like to go back again! It was super neat but kind of overwhelming so I feel like I missed some things.
I’m on vacation with my husband visiting his best bros and we’re going to the gun range this morning. Haven’t been shooting since I was in military science in college, pretty excited ngl
I’m on vacation with my husband visiting his best bros and we’re going to the gun range this morning. Haven’t been shooting since I was in military science in college, pretty excited ngl
Guys who gives a fuck about the debate—Megan Thee Stallion’s new album dropped
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you could gargle acid. you could run into a brick wall
why are you people watching the debate when you could do anything else, like watch bull durham
Going on a short vacation tomorrow and I’m kind of nervous. My husband and I are visiting his friends in Colorado and im really hoping we stay in lower-laying areas because I am afraid of mountains and I get altitude sickness 😭
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at long last you can preorder my sticky sweaty horny cowboy body horror book! and you can see the gorgeous cover art! give ghoulish money! read the first few pages!
Hello, cowghouls! It is with great pleasure that we introduce you to's THE FLESH INHERENT, a gay cowboy western bursting with delightful body horror grotesqueries. Behold, the front cover by Excerpt and pre-order: